path: root/ref.bib
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  1. @Book{Andersen_2015,
  2.   booktitle = "The Roskilde Model: Problem-Oriented Learning and Project Work",
  3. doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-09716-9",
  4. publisher = "Springer International Publishing",
  5. year = "2015",
  6. ISBN = "978-3-319-09716-9",
  7. language = "en-US",
  8. series = "Innovation and Change in Professional Education, 12",
  9. editor = "Anders Siig Andersen and Simon B. Heilesen",
  10. }
  11. @InBook{Heilesen_2015,
  12. crossref = "Andersen_2015",
  13. title = "Supporting Project Work with Information Technology",
  14. doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-09716-9_16",
  15. author = "Simon B. Heilesen",
  16. pages = "245--259",
  17. }
  18. @Book{Allemang_2020,
  19. title = "Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist: Effective Modeling for Linked Data, {RDFS}, and {OWL}",
  20. ISBN = "978-1-4503-7617-4",
  21. doi = "10.1145/3382097",
  22. publisher = "ACM",
  23. author = "Dean Allemang and Jim Hendler and Fabien Gandon",
  24. year = "2020",
  25. month = jul,
  26. }
  27. @Article{Bjorn_2006,
  28. title = "Medieret vejledning af problemorienteret projektarbejde",
  29. subtitle = "Udfordringer for vejledning i problemformuleringsfasen",
  30. volume = "4",
  31. ISSN = "1603-5518",
  32. doi = "10.7146/unev.v4i9.4918",
  33. number = "9",
  34. journal = "Tidsskrift for Universiteternes Efter- og Videreuddannelse (UNEV)",
  35. publisher = "Det Kgl. Bibliotek/Royal Danish Library",
  36. author = "Pernille Bjørn",
  37. year = "2006",
  38. month = jul,
  39. }
  40. @Article{DuCharme_2011,
  41. author = "Bob {DuCharme}",
  42. copyright = "COPYRIGHT 2011 Ringgold, Inc.",
  43. ISSN = "0887-3763",
  44. journal = "Reference & Research Book News",
  45. language = "en",
  46. number = "6",
  47. publisher = "Ringgold, Inc",
  48. address = "Portland",
  49. title = "Learning {SPARQL}; querying and updating with {SPARQL} 1.1",
  50. volume = "26",
  51. year = "2011",
  52. }
  53. @Article{Frederiksen_2016,
  54. title = "Hypothes.is -- Nyt plug-in i {OJS}",
  55. volume = "7",
  56. ISSN = "1904-335X",
  57. doi = "10.7146/ojssb.v7i7.23197",
  58. number = "7",
  59. journal = "OJS på dansk",
  60. publisher = "Det Kgl. Bibliotek/Royal Danish Library",
  61. author = "Niels Erik Frederiksen",
  62. year = "2016",
  63. month = feb,
  64. }
  65. @Article{Goy_2017,
  66. title = "An Integrated Support to Collaborative Semantic Annotation",
  67. volume = "2017",
  68. ISSN = "1687-5907",
  69. doi = "10.1155/2017/7219098",
  70. journal = "Advances in Human-Computer Interaction",
  71. publisher = "Hindawi Limited",
  72. author = "Annamaria Goy and Diego Magro and Giovanna Petrone and Claudia Picardi and Marco Rovera and Marino Segnan",
  73. year = "2017",
  74. pages = "1--12",
  75. }
  76. @Book{Heath_2011,
  77. title = "Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space",
  78. ISBN = "978-3-031-79432-2",
  79. ISSN = "2691-2031",
  80. doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-79432-2",
  81. journal = "Synthesis Lectures on Data, Semantics, and Knowledge",
  82. publisher = "Springer International Publishing",
  83. author = "Tom Heath and Christian Bizer",
  84. year = "2011",
  85. }
  86. @Article{Heilesen_2016,
  87. title = "Projektarbejde og akademisk {IT}-skoling",
  88. volume = "9",
  89. ISSN = "1903-248X",
  90. URL = "http://dx.doi.org/10.7146/lom.v9i15.23106",
  91. doi = "10.7146/lom.v9i15.23106",
  92. number = "15",
  93. journal = "Tidsskriftet Læring og Medier (LOM)",
  94. publisher = "Det Kgl. Bibliotek/Royal Danish Library",
  95. author = "Simon Heilesen and Søren Davidsen",
  96. year = "2016",
  97. month = may,
  98. }
  99. @Article{Janowicz_2014,
  100. title = "Five stars of Linked Data vocabulary use",
  101. volume = "5",
  102. ISSN = "1570-0844",
  103. doi = "10.3233/sw-140135",
  104. number = "3",
  105. journal = "Semantic Web",
  106. publisher = "IOS Press",
  107. author = "Krzysztof Janowicz and Pascal Hitzler and Benjamin Adams and Dave Kolas and Charles {Vardeman II}",
  108. year = "2014",
  109. pages = "173--176",
  110. }
  111. @Article{Jorgensen_2018,
  112. title = "Digital signatur",
  113. subtitle = "En eksemplarisk analyse af en teknologis indre mekanismer og processer",
  114. author = "Niels Jørgensen",
  115. year = "2018",
  116. month = dec,
  117. day = "17",
  118. language = da-DK,
  119. publisher = "Roskilde Universitet",
  120. URL = "https://forskning.ruc.dk/da/publications/digital-signatur-en-eksemplarisk-analyse-af-en-teknologis-indre-m",
  121. urldate = "2024-03-12",
  122. }
  123. @InCollection{Jorgensen_2019,
  124. author = "Niels Jørgensen",
  125. title = "{TRIN}-modellen er ikke en metode",
  126. year = "2019",
  127. month = May,
  128. language = da,
  129. URL = "https://ruc-thirdroom.dk/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Bilag_3.pdf",
  130. urldate = "2024-04-02",
  131. }
  132. @Article{Kanza_2019,
  133. title = "Too many tags spoil the metadata",
  134. subtitle = "investigating the knowledge management of scientific research with semantic web technologies",
  135. volume = "11",
  136. ISSN = "1758-2946",
  137. doi = "10.1186/s13321-019-0345-8",
  138. number = "1",
  139. journal = "Journal of Cheminformatics",
  140. publisher = "Springer Science and Business Media LLC",
  141. author = "Samantha Kanza and Nicholas Gibbins and Jeremy G. Frey",
  142. year = "2019",
  143. month = mar,
  144. language = "en",
  145. }
  146. @Collection{KU_vaerktoj,
  147. booktitle = "Værktøjskassen til innovation og entreprenørskab i undervisningen",
  148. language = da-DK,
  149. address = "København",
  150. publisher = "Københavns Universitet",
  151. URL = "https://innovation.sites.ku.dk/",
  152. urldate = "2024-02-16",
  153. }
  154. @InCollection{KU_kriterier,
  155. crossref = "KU_vaerktoj",
  156. title = "Idéudvælgelse baseret på vægtede kriterier",
  157. URL = "https://innovation.sites.ku.dk/metode/ideudvaelgelse-vaegtet-udvaelgelse-af-hojst-10-ideer/",
  158. urldate = "2023-12-18",
  159. }
  160. @InCollection{Mikkelsen_2000,
  161. author = "Nicolai Bendix Mikkelsen",
  162. title = "Gaveøkonomi",
  163. subtitle = "et perspektiv på udveksling over nettet",
  164. year = "2000",
  165. month = Nov,
  166. language = da,
  167. URL = "http://gift-economy.jones.dk/speciale/",
  168. urldate = "2024-04-16",
  169. }
  170. @Book{Ollmann_2003,
  171. ISBN = "0-252-02832-5",
  172. keywords = "Marx, Karl, 1818-1883",
  173. language = "en-US",
  174. publisher = "University of Illinois Press",
  175. author = "Bertell Ollman",
  176. address = "Urbana, Ill",
  177. booktitle = "Dance of the dialectic",
  178. booksubtitle = "steps in Marx's method",
  179. year = "2003",
  180. }
  181. @InCollection{Pontis_2015,
  182. author = "Sheila Pontis",
  183. title = "Design thinking revised",
  184. year = "2015",
  185. month = Jun,
  186. language = en-US,
  187. URL = "https://sheilapontis.com/2015/06/04/design-thinking-revised/",
  188. urldate = "2023-09-20",
  189. }
  190. @Book{Pressman_2018_book,
  191. doi = "10.4324/9781315561936",
  192. year = "2018",
  193. month = oct,
  194. publisher = "Routledge",
  195. author = "Andrew Pressman",
  196. booktitle = "Design Thinking",
  197. booksubtitle = "A Guide To Creative Problem Solving For Everyone",
  198. edition = "1",
  199. ISBN = "978-1-315-56193-6",
  200. language = en-GB,
  201. URL = "https://www-taylorfrancis-com.ep.fjernadgang.kb.dk/books/mono/10.4324/9781315561936/design-thinking-andrew-pressman",
  202. urldate = "2024-02-16",
  203. }
  204. @InBook{Pressman_2018,
  205. crossref = "Pressman_2018_book",
  206. doi = "10.4324/9781315561936-2",
  207. pages = "3--12",
  208. author = "Andrew Pressman",
  209. title = "Design Thinking Overview",
  210. }
  211. @Misc{Ragab_2024_DESERE,
  212. title = "{DESERE}",
  213. subtitle = "The 1st Workshop on Decentralised Search and Recommendation",
  214. author = "Mohamed Ragab and Yury Savateev and Wenjie Wang and Reza Moosaei and Thanassis Tiropanis and Alexandra Poulovassilis and Adriane Chapman and Helen Oliver and George Roussos",
  215. year = "2024",
  216. eprint = "2403.07732",
  217. archiveprefix = "arXiv",
  218. primaryclass = "cs.IR",
  219. }
  220. @Article{Sahli_2022,
  221. title = "Knowledge Visualization",
  222. subtitle = "A Design centered Framework",
  223. volume = "109",
  224. ISSN = "2212-8271",
  225. doi = "10.1016/j.procir.2022.05.305",
  226. journal = "Procedia CIRP",
  227. publisher = "Elsevier BV",
  228. author = "Aymane Sahli and Eujin Pei and Arthi Manohar and Richard Evans",
  229. year = "2022",
  230. pages = "629--634",
  231. language = en,
  232. }
  233. @Article{Sanders_2014,
  234. doi = "10.1080/15710882.2014.888183",
  235. year = "2014",
  236. month = jan,
  237. publisher = "Informa {UK} Limited",
  238. volume = "10",
  239. number = "1",
  240. pages = "5--14",
  241. author = "Elizabeth B.-N. Sanders and Pieter Jan Stappers",
  242. title = "Probes, toolkits and prototypes",
  243. subtitle = "three approaches to making in codesigning",
  244. ISSN = "1745-3755",
  245. journal = "{CoDesign}",
  246. language = en,
  247. }
  248. @Book{Schraube_2024,
  249. title = "Digitalization and Learning as a Worlding Practice",
  250. subtitle = "Why Dialogue Matters",
  251. ISBN = "978-0-429-03107-6",
  252. doi = "10.4324/9780429031076",
  253. publisher = "Routledge",
  254. author = "Ernst Schraube",
  255. year = "2024",
  256. month = jan,
  257. language = en-US,
  258. }
  259. @Book{Simonsen_2010_book,
  260. doi = "10.4324/9780203855836",
  261. year = "2010",
  262. month = sep,
  263. publisher = "Routledge",
  264. editor = "Jesper Simonsen and Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt and Monika Büscher and John Damm Scheuer",
  265. booktitle = "Design research",
  266. booksubtitle = "synergies from interdisciplinary perspectives",
  267. language = en-GB,
  268. ISBN = "978-1-135-14593-4",
  269. }
  270. @InBook{Simonsen_2010,
  271. crossref = "Simonsen_2010_book",
  272. author = "Jesper Simonsen and Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt and John Damm Scheuer and Monika Büscher",
  273. title = "Synergies",
  274. pages = "201--212",
  275. }
  276. @Article{Simonsen_2012,
  277. title = "Sustained Participatory Design",
  278. subtitle = "Extending the Iterative Approach",
  279. volume = "28",
  280. ISSN = "1531-4790",
  281. doi = "10.1162/desi_a_00158",
  282. number = "3",
  283. journal = "Design Issues",
  284. publisher = "MIT Press - Journals",
  285. author = "Jesper Simonsen and Morten Hertzum",
  286. year = "2012",
  287. month = jul,
  288. pages = "10--21",
  289. }
  290. @Book{Simonsen_2014_book,
  291. doi = "10.7551/mitpress/9936.001.0001",
  292. year = "2014",
  293. publisher = "The {MIT} Press",
  294. month = jul,
  295. editor = "Jesper Simonsen and Connie Svabo and Sara Malou Strandvad and Kristine Samson and Morten Hertzum and Ole Erik Hansen",
  296. booktitle = "Situated Design Methods",
  297. language = en-US,
  298. ISBN = "978-0-262-32100-6",
  299. }
  300. @InBook{Hertzum_2014,
  301. crossref = "Simonsen_2014_book",
  302. doi = "10.7551/mitpress/9936.003.0005",
  303. title = "Project Designs for Student Design Projects",
  304. author = "Morten Hertzum",
  305. pages = "39--56",
  306. }
  307. @Book{Springer_2017_ESWC_remote,
  308. title = "The Semantic Web",
  309. booksubtitle = "{ESWC} 2017 Satellite Events",
  310. ISBN = "978-3-319-70407-4",
  311. ISSN = "1611-3349",
  312. doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-70407-4",
  313. journal = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
  314. publisher = "Springer International Publishing",
  315. year = "2017",
  316. }
  317. @InBook{Nielsen_2017,
  318. crossref = "Springer_2017_ESWC_remote",
  319. booktitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
  320. title = "Scholia, Scientometrics and Wikidata",
  321. doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-70407-4_36",
  322. author = "Finn Årup Nielsen and Daniel Mietchen and Egon Willighagen",
  323. pages = "237--259",
  324. }
  325. @Book{Springer_2021_ISWC,
  326. booktitle = "The Semantic Web – {ISWC} 2021",
  327. booksubtitle = "20th International Semantic Web Conference, {ISWC} 2021, Virtual Event, October 2428, 2021, Proceedings",
  328. ISBN = "978-3-030-88361-4",
  329. ISSN = "1611-3349",
  330. doi = "10.1007/978-3-030-88361-4",
  331. journal = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
  332. publisher = "Springer International Publishing",
  333. year = "2021",
  334. }
  335. @InBook{Diefenbach_2021,
  336. crossref = "Springer_2021_ISWC",
  337. booktitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
  338. title = "Wikibase as an Infrastructure for Knowledge Graphs",
  339. subtitle = "The {EU} Knowledge Graph",
  340. doi = "10.1007/978-3-030-88361-4_37",
  341. author = "Dennis Diefenbach and Max De Wilde and Samantha Alipio",
  342. pages = "631--647",
  343. }
  344. @Book{Springer_2022_ESWC,
  345. booktitle = "The Semantic Web",
  346. booksubtitle = "19th International Conference, {ESWC} 2022, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, May 29 – June 2, 2022, Proceedings",
  347. ISBN = "978-3-031-06981-9",
  348. ISSN = "1611-3349",
  349. doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-06981-9",
  350. journal = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
  351. publisher = "Springer International Publishing",
  352. year = "2022",
  353. }
  354. @InBook{Bento_2022,
  355. crossref = "Springer_2022_ESWC",
  356. booktitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
  357. title = "Do Arduinos Dream of Efficient Reasoners?",
  358. doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-06981-9_17",
  359. author = "Alexandre Bento and Lionel Médini and Kamal Singh and Frédérique Laforest",
  360. pages = "289--304",
  361. }
  362. @InBook{Liu_2022,
  363. crossref = "Springer_2022_ESWC",
  364. booktitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
  365. title = "{LD} Connect: {A} Linked Data Portal for {IOS} Press Scientometrics",
  366. doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-06981-9_19",
  367. author = "Zilong Liu and Meilin Shi and Krzysztof Janowicz and Blake Regalia and Stephanie Delbecque and Gengchen Mai and Rui Zhu and Pascal Hitzler",
  368. pages = "323--337",
  369. }
  370. @Book{Springer_2023_ESWC,
  371. booktitle = "The Semantic Web",
  372. booksubtitle = "20th International Conference, {ESWC} 2023, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, May 28–June 1, 2023, Proceedings",
  373. ISBN = "978-3-031-33455-9",
  374. ISSN = "1611-3349",
  375. doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-33455-9",
  376. journal = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
  377. publisher = "Springer Nature Switzerland",
  378. year = "2023",
  379. }
  380. @InBook{Fathalla_2023,
  381. crossref = "Springer_2023_ESWC",
  382. booktitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
  383. title = "An Upper Ontology for Modern Science Branches and Related Entities",
  384. doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-33455-9_26",
  385. author = "Said Fathalla and Christoph Lange and Sören Auer",
  386. pages = "436--453",
  387. }
  388. @Book{Springer_2023_MICCAI,
  389. booktitle = "Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2023 Workshops",
  390. booksubtitle = "MTSAIL 2023, LEAF 2023, AI4Treat 2023, MMMI 2023, REMIA 2023, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2023, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 812, 2023, Proceedings",
  391. ISBN = "978-3-031-47425-5",
  392. ISSN = "1611-3349",
  393. doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-47425-5",
  394. journal = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
  395. publisher = "Springer Nature Switzerland",
  396. year = "2023",
  397. }
  398. @InBook{Selvan_2023,
  399. crossref = "Springer_2023_MICCAI",
  400. booktitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
  401. title = "Operating Critical Machine Learning Models in Resource Constrained Regimes",
  402. doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-47425-5_29",
  403. author = "Raghavendra Selvan and Julian Schön and Erik B. Dam",
  404. pages = "325--335",
  405. }
  406. @Article{Couch_2015,
  407. title = "Scientific Teaching: Defining a Taxonomy of Observable Practices",
  408. volume = "14",
  409. ISSN = "1931-7913",
  410. doi = "10.1187/cbe.14-01-0002",
  411. number = "1",
  412. journal = "CBE—Life Sciences Education",
  413. publisher = "American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB)",
  414. author = "Brian A. Couch and Tanya L. Brown and Tyler J. Schelpat and Mark J. Graham and Jennifer K. Knight",
  415. editor = "Michèle Shuster",
  416. year = "2015",
  417. month = mar,
  418. pages = "ar9",
  419. }
  420. @Article{Stanford_2013,
  421. author = "Thomas Both and Dave Baggereor",
  422. title = "Design Thinking Bootcamp Bootleg",
  423. year = "2013",
  424. month = Jul,
  425. address = "Stanford",
  426. publisher = "Institute of Design at Stanford University",
  427. language = en-US,
  428. URL = "https://dschool.stanford.edu/resources/the-bootcamp-bootleg",
  429. urldate = "2023-10-26",
  430. }
  431. @Article{Stanford_2021,
  432. author = "Tania Anaissie and Victor Cary and David Clifford and Tom Malarkey and Susie Wise",
  433. title = "Liberatory Design",
  434. subtitle = "mindsets and modes to design for equity",
  435. year = "2021",
  436. month = Apr,
  437. address = "Stanford",
  438. publisher = "Institute of Design at Stanford University",
  439. language = en-US,
  440. URL = "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60380011d63f16013f7cc4c2/t/6070b8d5c800831d97d67ff0/1618000087869/Liberatory_Design_Deck_2021.pdf",
  441. urldate = "2023-09-20",
  442. }
  443. @Article{Venable_2016,
  444. doi = "10.1057/ejis.2014.36",
  445. year = "2016",
  446. month = Jan,
  447. publisher = "Informa {UK} Limited",
  448. volume = "25",
  449. number = "1",
  450. pages = "77--89",
  451. author = "John Venable and Jan Pries-Heje and Richard Baskerville",
  452. title = "{FEDS}",
  453. subtitle = "a Framework for Evaluation in Design Science Research",
  454. journal = "European Journal of Information Systems",
  455. ISSN = "0960-085X",
  456. ISSN = "1476-9344",
  457. language = en-GB,
  458. }
  459. @Collection{Videnskab,
  460. booktitle = "Videnskab.dk",
  461. language = da-DK,
  462. address = "Valby",
  463. publisher = "Videnskab.dk",
  464. ISSN = "1903-301X",
  465. ean = "5798000555174",
  466. URL = "https://videnskab.dk/",
  467. urldate = "2024-04-16",
  468. }
  469. @InCollection{Hansted_2014,
  470. crossref = "Videnskab",
  471. author = "Allan Alfred Birkegaard Hansted",
  472. title = "Hvad laver {I} bag skærmene!",
  473. year = "2014",
  474. month = Feb,
  475. language = da,
  476. URL = "https://videnskab.dk/teknologi/hvad-laver-i-bag-skaermene/",
  477. urldate = "2024-04-16",
  478. }
  479. @Book{Winner_2020,
  480. title = "The Whale and the Reactor",
  481. subtitle = "A Search for Limits in an Age of High Technology",
  482. ISBN = "978-0-226-69268-5",
  483. doi = "10.7208/chicago/9780226692685.001.0001",
  484. publisher = "University of Chicago Press",
  485. author = "Langdon Winner",
  486. year = "2020",
  487. edition = "2",
  488. address = "Chicago",
  489. language = en-US,
  490. }
  491. @Article{Yokochi_2023,
  492. title = "Evaluating Oxigraph Server as a triple store for small and medium-sized datasets",
  493. doi = "10.37044/osf.io/yru4b",
  494. publisher = "Center for Open Science",
  495. author = "Masashi Yokochi and Nishad Thalhath",
  496. year = "2023",
  497. month = jul,
  498. }
  499. @Book{Zuboff_2019,
  500. author = "Shoshana Zuboff",
  501. address = "New York",
  502. booktitle = "The age of surveillance capitalism",
  503. booksubtitle = "the fight for a human future at the new frontier of power",
  504. edition = "1",
  505. ISBN = "978-1-78125-684-8",
  506. language = en-US,
  507. LCCN = "2018003901",
  508. publisher = "PublicAffairs",
  509. title = "The age of surveillance capitalism",
  510. subtitle = "the fight for a human future at the new frontier of power",
  511. year = "2019",
  512. URL = "https://we.riseup.net/assets/533560/Zuboff%2C+Shoshana.The+Age+of+Surveillance+Capitalism.2019.pdf",
  513. urldate = "2024-02-13",
  514. }