blob: 53498a8395a9add2e36e8b15afdd1f93ba438bfe (
- module trap learntrap <> is
- import [ dc learn learn2sect learn10tac skos xsd ]
- @skos:prefLabel = "Learning Traps in Tentacular Learning Ontology"@en
- @skos:prefLabel = "Ontologi om læringsfælder indenfor tentakulær læring"@da
- @dc:description = "Domain-specific ontology for traps related to tentacular learning as described by Ernst Schraube"@en
- @dc:created = @xsd:date("2024-06-03")
- @dc:creator = <>
- @dc:license = <>
- structure DigitalAlwaysOn is
- @rdfs:subClassOf = Digitalization
- @skos:prefLabel = "Online Dialogue-Reduction Habit"@en
- @skos:prefLabel = "Online-dialogreduktionsvane"@da
- @dc:description = "The ability for constructing a digital system to be always available without interruption"@en
- @dc:description = "Muligheden for at opsætte et digitalt system til altid at være tilgængelig uden afbrydelse"@da
- causesOnlineModeTrap -> OnlineModeTrap
- end
- structure DialogueReduction is
- @rdfs:subClassOf = Digitalization
- @skos:prefLabel = "Online Dialogue-Reduction"@en
- @skos:prefLabel = "Online-dialogreduktion"@da
- ; @dc:description = ""@en
- ; @dc:description = ""@da
- causesDialogueReductionTrap -> DialogueReductionTrap
- end
- structure DigitalAccuracyAndEase is
- @rdfs:subClassOf = Digitalization
- @skos:prefLabel = "Digital Accuracy and Ease"@en
- @skos:prefLabel = "Digital nøjagtighed og lethed"@da
- ; @dc:description = ""@en
- ; @dc:description = ""@da
- causesUncertainnessEffortlessnessTrap -> UncertainnessEffortlessnessTrap
- end
- structure DigitalLearnification is
- @rdfs:subClassOf = Digitalization
- ; @skos:prefLabel = ""@en
- ; @skos:prefLabel = ""@da
- @dc:description = "Learning reduced to an individualized commodity, demanded by learners and supplied by digital systems"@en
- @dc:description = "Læring reduceret til individualiseret vare, efterspurgt af elever og udbudt af digitale systemer"@da
- CausesBisectedLearning -> learn2sect:BisectedLearning
- end
- entity ReasoningTrap is
- @skos:prefLabel = "Reasoning trap"@en
- @skos:prefLabel = "Fejlslutning"@da
- @dc:description = "typical pitfalls in the construction of subjective reasons for action towards learning"@en
- @dc:description = "typiske faldgruber i konstruktionen af subjektive grunde til at igangsætte en læringsproces"@da
- identity id -> unknown
- trapsReason -> learn10tac:ActionReason
- end
- entity OnlineModeTrap is
- @rdfs:subClassOf = ReasoningTrap
- @skos:prefLabel = "Online Mode Habit Trap"@en
- @skos:prefLabel = "Online-tilstandsvanefælde"@da
- @dc:description = "Considering the online mode and the use of digital devices as absolutely helpful and expanding learning."@en
- @dc:description = "Anskuelsen af online-aktivitet og brug af digitalt udstyr som altid hjælpsomt og læringsudvidende."@da
- identity id -> unknown
- end
- entity UncertainnessEffortlessnessTrap is
- @rdfs:subClassOf = ReasoningTrap
- @skos:prefLabel = "Trap of Uncertainness and Effortlessness"@en
- @skos:prefLabel = "Uvisheds- og ubesværethedsfælde"@da
- @skos:altLabel = "Trap of Uncertainness"@en
- @skos:altLabel = "Trap of Effortlessness"@en
- @skos:altLabel = "Uvishedsfælde"@da
- @skos:altLabel = "Ubesværethedsfælde"@da
- @dc:description = "Equating swiftness in arriving at a conclusion with learning progress."@en
- @dc:description = "Forveksling af hurtigt at nå til en løsning med læringsfremskridt."@da
- identity id -> unknown
- end
- entity DialogueReductionTrap is
- @rdfs:subClassOf = ReasoningTrap
- @skos:prefLabel = "Online dialogue-reduction habit trap"@en
- @skos:prefLabel = "Online-dialogreduktionsvanefælde"@da
- @dc:description = "Reducing dialogue to the operative exchange and back and forth of perspectives."@en
- @dc:description = "Reduktion af samtale til operativ udveksling af perspektiver."@da
- identity id -> unknown
- end
- end