path: root/learn/tentacular.sdm
blob: 3df2c3edfdfbc4a3cf2252bcf522c8d4a0e0619f (plain)
  1. module learn_tentacular learn10tac <https://purl.org/learn/tentacular#> is
  2. import [ dc learn skos xsd ]
  3. @skos:prefLabel = [
  4. "Tentacular Learning Ontology"@en
  5. "Ontogogi om tentakulær læring"@da
  6. ]
  7. @dc:description = "Domain-specific ontology for Tentacular Learning as defined by Ernst Schraube"@en
  8. @dc:created = @xsd:date(2024-04-26)
  9. @dc:creator = <https://dr.jones.dk/me/#me>
  10. @dc:license = <https://spdx.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0-or-later>
  11. structure WorldingPracticeLearning is
  12. @rdfs:subClassOf = learn:Process
  13. @skos:prefLabel = [
  14. "Learning as a Worlding Practice"@en
  15. "Læring som en verdeningspraksis"@da
  16. ]
  17. @dc:description = [
  18. "The process of learning viewed as an affinitive dialogue with the surrounding world"@en
  19. "Læringsproces anskuet som en gensidig dialog (affinitet) med den omkringliggende verden"@da
  20. ]
  21. @rdfs:disjointWith = BisectedLearning
  22. isPracticedBy -> learn:Learner
  23. end
  24. entity TentacularLearning is
  25. @rdfs:subClassOf = learn:Cognition
  26. @skos:prefLabel = [
  27. "Tentakular Learning"@en
  28. "Tentakulær læring"@da
  29. ]
  30. identity id -> unknown
  31. end
  32. entity Content is
  33. @rdfs:subClassOf = :WorldingPracticeLearning
  34. @rdfs:subClassOf = :ContentDimension
  35. @skos:prefLabel = [
  36. "Learning Content"@en
  37. "Læringsindhold"@da
  38. ]
  39. @skos:altLabel = [
  40. "The 'what' of learning"@en
  41. "Lærings 'hvad'"@da
  42. ]
  43. @dc:description = [
  44. "What the learner would like to learn"@en
  45. "Hvad eleven gerne vil lære"@da
  46. ]
  47. identity id -> unknown
  48. precedesReason -> ActionReason
  49. end
  50. entity ActionReason is
  51. @rdfs:subClassOf = :WorldingPracticeLearning
  52. @rdfs:subClassOf = :ContentDimension
  53. @skos:prefLabel = [
  54. "Action Reason"@en
  55. "Aktionsgrund"@da
  56. ]
  57. @skos:altLabel = [
  58. "The 'why' of learning"@en
  59. "Lærings 'hvorfor'"@da
  60. ]
  61. @dc:description = [
  62. "Subjective reason by the learner for initiating a learning process"@en
  63. "Subjektiv grund hos eleven til at igangsætte en læringsproces"@da
  64. ]
  65. identity id -> unknown
  66. affectsMode -> Mode
  67. precedesMethod -> Method
  68. end
  69. entity ExpansiveReason is
  70. @rdfs:subClassOf = ActionReason
  71. @skos:prefLabel = [
  72. "Expansive Reason"@en
  73. "Ekspansiv grund"@da
  74. ]
  75. identity id -> unknown
  76. causesExpansiveMode -> ExpansiveMode
  77. end
  78. entity DefensiveReason is
  79. @rdfs:subClassOf = ActionReason
  80. @skos:prefLabel = [
  81. "Defensive Reason"@en
  82. "Defensiv grund"@da
  83. ]
  84. identity id -> unknown
  85. causesDefensiveMode -> DefensiveMode
  86. end
  87. entity ReasoningTrap is
  88. @skos:prefLabel = [
  89. "Reasoning trap"@en
  90. "Fejlslutning"@da
  91. ]
  92. @dc:description = [
  93. "typical pitfalls in the construction of subjective reasons for action towards learning"@en
  94. "typiske faldgruber i konstruktionen af subjektive grunde til at igangsætte en læringsproces"@da
  95. ]
  96. identity id -> unknown
  97. trapsaffectsReason -> ActionReason
  98. end
  99. entity OnlineModeTrap is
  100. @rdfs:subClassOf = ReasoningTrap
  101. @skos:prefLabel = [
  102. "Online Mode Habit Trap"@en
  103. "Online-aktivitetsvanefælde"@da
  104. ]
  105. @dc:description = [
  106. "Considering the online mode and the use of digital devices as absolutely helpful and expanding learning."@en
  107. "Anskuelsen af online-aktivitet og brug af digitalt udstyr som altid hjælpsomt og læringsudvidende."@da
  108. ]
  109. identity id -> unknown
  110. end
  111. entity BisectedLearningTrap is
  112. @rdfs:subClassOf = ReasoningTrap
  113. @skos:prefLabel = [
  114. "Trap of Bisected Learning"@en
  115. "Fælde ved tvedelt læring"@da
  116. ]
  117. @dc:description = [
  118. "Deprioritization of the content dimension of learning, caused by bisected learning excluding learners from influence on it."@en
  119. "Nedprioritering af den indholdsdimensionen af læring, fordi tvedelt læring udelukker elever indflydelse herpå."@da
  120. ]
  121. identity id -> unknown
  122. end
  123. entity UncertainnessEffortlessnessTrap is
  124. @rdfs:subClassOf = ReasoningTrap
  125. @skos:prefLabel = [
  126. "Trap of Uncertainness and Effortlessness"@en
  127. "Uvisheds- og ubesværethedsfælde"@da
  128. ]
  129. @skos:altLabel = [
  130. "Trap of Uncertainness"@en
  131. "Trap of Effortlessness"@en
  132. "Uvishedsfælde"@da
  133. "Ubesværethedsfælde"@da
  134. ]
  135. @dc:description = [
  136. "Equating swiftness in arriving at a conclusion with learning progress."@en
  137. "Forveksling af hurtigt at nå til en løsning med læringsfremskridt."@da
  138. ]
  139. identity id -> unknown
  140. end
  141. entity DialogueReductionTrap is
  142. @rdfs:subClassOf = ReasoningTrap
  143. @skos:prefLabel = [
  144. "Online dialogue-reduction habit trap"@en
  145. "Online-dialogreduktionsvanefælde"@da
  146. ]
  147. @dc:description = [
  148. "Reducing dialogue to the operative exchange and back and forth of perspectives."@en
  149. "Reduktion af samtale til operativ udveksling af perspektiver."@da
  150. ]
  151. identity id -> unknown
  152. end
  153. entity Method is
  154. @rdfs:subClassOf = :WorldingPracticeLearning
  155. @skos:prefLabel = [
  156. "Learning Method"@en
  157. "Læringsmetode"@da
  158. ]
  159. @skos:altLabel = [
  160. "The 'how' of learning"@en
  161. "Lærings 'hvordan'"@da
  162. ]
  163. @dc:description = [
  164. "How the learning process is carried out by the learner"@en
  165. "Hvordan læringsprocessen bliver udført af eleven"@da
  166. ]
  167. identity id -> unknown
  168. precedesEvaluation -> Evaluation
  169. end
  170. entity Evaluation is
  171. @rdfs:subClassOf = :WorldingPracticeLearning
  172. @skos:prefLabel = [
  173. "Learning Evaluation"@en
  174. "Læringsevaluering"@da
  175. ]
  176. @dc:description = [
  177. "check by the learner whether what one wanted to learn through the learning process was also achieved"@en
  178. "Tjek af eleven hvorvidt den ønskede læring gennem læringsprocessen også blev opnået"@da
  179. ]
  180. identity id -> unknown
  181. end
  182. entity Mode is
  183. @skos:prefLabel = [
  184. "Mode"@en
  185. "Tilstand"@da
  186. ]
  187. identity id -> unknown
  188. affectsMovement -> Movement
  189. end
  190. entity ExpansiveMode is
  191. @rdfs:subClassOf = Mode
  192. @skos:prefLabel = [
  193. "Expansive Mode"@en
  194. "Ekspansiv tilstand"@da
  195. ]
  196. identity id -> unknown
  197. stimulatesAffinitiveMovement -> AffinitiveMovement
  198. end
  199. entity DefensiveMode is
  200. @rdfs:subClassOf = Mode
  201. @skos:prefLabel = [
  202. "Defensive Mode"@en
  203. "Defensiv tilstand"@da
  204. ]
  205. identity id -> unknown
  206. stimulatesDefinitiveMovement -> DefinitiveMovement
  207. end
  208. entity Movement is
  209. @rdfs:subClassOf = learn:Action
  210. @skos:prefLabel = [
  211. "Movement"@en
  212. "Bevægelse"@da
  213. ]
  214. identity id -> unknown
  215. affectsResultingLearning -> TentacularLearning
  216. end
  217. entity AffinitiveMovement is
  218. @rdfs:subClassOf = Movement
  219. @skos:prefLabel = [
  220. "Affinitive Movement"@en
  221. "Affinitiv bevægelse"@da
  222. ]
  223. identity id -> unknown
  224. DeepensLearning -> TentacularLearning
  225. end
  226. entity DefinitiveMovement is
  227. @rdfs:subClassOf = Movement
  228. @skos:prefLabel = [
  229. "Definitive Movement"@en
  230. "Definitiv bevægelse"@da
  231. ]
  232. identity id -> unknown
  233. end
  234. entity Prelearned
  235. ; entity World
  236. end