path: root/learn/core.sdm
blob: 962f9ad801b756019e14ebee8f70c74492b6c943 (plain)
  1. module core learn <https://thoughtroam.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzæøå.dk/learn/core#> is
  2. import [
  3. dc
  4. doap
  5. foaf
  6. owl
  7. rdfs
  8. skos
  9. xsd
  10. ]
  11. @skos:prefLabel = "Learning Ontology"@en
  12. @dc:description = "General domain ontology on learning"@en
  13. @dc:created = @xsd:date(2024-04-26)
  14. @dc:creator = <https://dr.jones.dk/me/#me>
  15. @dc:license = <https://spdx.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0-or-later>
  16. @rdf:type = skos:ConceptScheme
  17. entity Objective is
  18. @rdfs:subClassOf = owl:Thing
  19. @skos:prefLabel = "Objective"@en
  20. @skos:prefLabel = "Mål"@da
  21. @skos:description = "Abstract or concrete goal/skill/competence resulting from a succesful learning"@en
  22. identity id -> unknown
  23. end
  24. entity Process is
  25. @rdfs:subClassOf = doap:Project
  26. @skos:prefLabel = "Learning Process"@en
  27. @skos:prefLabel = "Læringsproces"@da
  28. @skos:description = "The process of acquiring new understanding"@en
  29. identity id -> unknown
  30. hasObjective -> Objective
  31. involvesAction -> Action
  32. causesCognition -> Cognition
  33. end
  34. entity Cognition is
  35. @rdfs:subClassOf = owl:Thing
  36. @skos:prefLabel = "Cognition"@en
  37. @skos:prefLabel = "Erkendelse"@da
  38. @skos:description = "The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding"@en
  39. identity id -> unknown
  40. end
  41. entity Drive is
  42. @skos:description = "Motivating or demotivating factor for a learner towards a learning objective"@en
  43. identity id -> unknown
  44. drivesLearner -> Learner
  45. end
  46. entity Learner foaf:Person is
  47. @rdfs:subClassOf = foaf:Person
  48. @skos:description = "Agent subject to a learning process"@en
  49. identity id -> unknown
  50. learnsWithin -> Space
  51. learnsUsing -> Material
  52. learnsThrough -> Action
  53. learnsFormalizedBy -> System
  54. learnsCausedBy -> Cause
  55. seeksObjective -> Objective
  56. achievesCognition -> Cognition
  57. isEducatedBy -> Educator
  58. ; isTaughtBy -> Teacher
  59. ; isFacilitatedBy -> Facilitator
  60. ; isEvaluatedBy -> Evaluator
  61. ; isInstructedBy -> Instructor
  62. collaboratesWith -> Learner
  63. usesMethod -> Method
  64. isDrivenBy -> Drive
  65. end
  66. entity Educator is
  67. @rdfs:subClassOf = foaf:Person
  68. @skos:description = "Agent aiding a learner towards an objective"@en
  69. @skos:description = "Agent abstractly or concretely guiding a learner towards an objective"@en
  70. ; @skos:narrower = Teacher, Instructor, Facilitator, Evaluator
  71. identity id -> unknown
  72. educates -> Learner
  73. educatesAbout -> Objective
  74. educatesUsing -> Material
  75. educatesFormalizedBy -> System
  76. end
  77. entity System is
  78. @skos:description = "Set of principles/methods/conventions for structuring a learning process"@en
  79. ; @skos:narrower = School_of_thought, Dogma, Principle
  80. identity id -> unknown
  81. end
  82. entity Action is
  83. @skos:description = "Abstract or concrete action/practice/movement by a learner as part of a learning process"@en
  84. identity id -> unknown
  85. contributesTo -> Cognition
  86. end
  87. entity Cause is
  88. @skos:description = "Originating reason for a learner to initiate a learning process"@en
  89. identity id -> unknown
  90. causesAction -> Action
  91. end
  92. entity Material is
  93. @skos:description = "Sets of information intended to aid a learner in reaching a learning objective"@en
  94. ; @skos:narrower = School_book, Prior_Knowledge
  95. identity id -> unknown
  96. end
  97. ;; the "evaluation"
  98. entity Evaluation
  99. entity Method is
  100. @skos:description = "Way of approaching a learning process"@en
  101. identity id -> unknown
  102. requiresMaterial -> Material
  103. isPartOf -> System
  104. shapesAction -> Action
  105. end
  106. end