blob: 18069c7f966739fa0c0f8e583428f45172bb5f1e (
Bilag 1: Plan for vejleder- og gruppemøder
%%| fig-width: 100%
!include ../_themes/doubleslash/pgantt.puml
skinparam defaultFontName ETbb
language da
projectscale monthly zoom 3
skinparam svgDimensionStyle false
' %%QUARTO%%tickInterval 1month
'saturday are closed
'sunday are closed
'UNSUPPORTED: axisFormat %-d. %b
'UNSUPPORTED' todayMarker off
title Gruppearbejde
Project starts 2024-04-01
-- Struktur --
[Konstituering] starts 2024-04-01 and requires 14 days
[Vidensindsamling] starts 2024-04-01 and requires 21 days
-- Interviews --
[Forberedelse] starts 2024-04-21 and requires 3 days
'Ernst Schraube
[Interview] happens 2024-05-01
[Transskribering] starts at [Interview]'s end and requires 2 days
[Analyse] starts at [Transskribering]'s end and requires 3 days
[Fortolkning] as [tlk1] starts at [Analyse]'s end and requires 5 days
'[Interview2] happens 2024-05-14
'[Transskribering2] starts at [Interview2]'s end and requires 2 days
'[Analyse2] starts at [Transskribering2]'s end and requires 3 days
'[Fortolkning2] as [tlk2] starts at [Analyse2]'s end and requires 5 days
-- Formidling --
[Interviews, evaluering] starts at [tlk1]'s end and requires 3 days
'[Interviews, evaluering2] starts at [tlk2]'s end and requires 3 days
[Projekt, sidste evaluering] starts 2024-05-26 and requires 3 days
[Projektaflevering] happens 2024-06-06
[Eksamen] starts 2024-06-17 and requires 10 days
-- Vejledning --
'[Projektgruppedannelse] starts 2024-02-01 and requires 3 days
'[Projektgruppe] happens 2024-02-05
[Projektgruppe] happens 2024-04-12
'[Problemformuleringsoplæg] happens 2024-03-12
'[Problemformuleringsseminar] starts 2024-03-20 and requires 1 days
[Møde om visuel præs.] starts 2024-04-10 and requires 1 days
[Midtvejsrapport] happens 2024-04-22
[Midtvejseval.] starts 2024-05-05 and requires 3 days
%%| fig-width: 100%
!include ../_themes/doubleslash/pgantt.puml
skinparam defaultFontName ETbb
language da
projectscale monthly zoom 3
skinparam svgDimensionStyle false
' %%QUARTO%%tickInterval 1month
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
'UNSUPPORTED: axisFormat %-d. %b
'UNSUPPORTED' todayMarker off
title Forelæsninger
Project starts 2024-02-01
-- BK5, TSA II --
[Forelæsninger] starts 2024-02-06 and requires 10 days
[Forelæsninger] starts 2024-03-18 and requires 1 days
[Forelæsninger] starts 2024-04-02 and requires 8 days
[Eksamen] happens 2024-04-24
-- BK6, TSA II<br>Bæredygtige teknologier --
[Forelæsninger] starts 2024-02-06 and requires 13 days
[Forelæsninger] starts 2024-03-12 and requires 3 days
[Eksamen] happens 2024-03-26
-- BK6, TSA II<br>Kunstig intelligens --
[Forelæsninger] starts 2024-02-06 and requires 13 days
[Skriftligt produkt] happens 2024-03-11
[Mdt. eksamen] starts 2024-03-13 and requires 3 days
-- BK4<br>Workshops --
[Præsentation] starts 2024-02-12 and requires 1 days
[Digital Production] starts 2024-02-26 and requires 10 days
[Embedded Programming] starts 2024-02-26 and requires 10 days
[06 Poetiske maskiner] starts 2024-02-26 and requires 10 days
[Showtime] happens 2024-03-08
-- BK4, D&k II --
[Forelæsninger] starts 2024-04-08 and requires 10 days
[Konference] starts 2024-04-29 and requires 1 days
[Aflevering] happens 2024-05-06