- @InBook{Diefenbach2021,
- author = "Dennis Diefenbach and Max De Wilde and Samantha Alipio",
- booktitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
- title = "Wikibase as an Infrastructure for Knowledge Graphs",
- doi = "10.1007/978-3-030-88361-4_37",
- pages = "631--647",
- subtitle = "The {EU} Knowledge Graph",
- crossref = "Springer2021ISWC",
- file = ":Diefenbach2021 - Wikibase As an Infrastructure for Knowledge Graphs.pdf:PDF:https\://dipot.ulb.ac.be/dspace/bitstream/2013/337233/3/2021_04_ISWC_Eu_Knowledge_Graph_final.pdf",
- }
- @InBook{Elfving2008,
- author = "David Elfving and Ericka Menchen-Trevino",
- title = "One Wiki, Two Classrooms",
- doi = "10.2307/j.ctv65sx6q.12",
- pages = "137--143",
- crossref = "Cummings2008",
- }
- @InBook{Fathalla2023,
- author = "Said Fathalla and Christoph Lange and Sören Auer",
- booktitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
- title = "An Upper Ontology for Modern Science Branches and Related Entities",
- doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-33455-9_26",
- pages = "436--453",
- crossref = "Springer2023ESWC",
- }
- @InCollection{Hansted2014,
- author = "Allan Alfred Birkegaard Hansted",
- date = "2014-02",
- title = "Hvad laver {I} bag skærmene!",
- URL = "https://videnskab.dk/teknologi/hvad-laver-i-bag-skaermene/",
- urldate = "2024-04-16",
- crossref = "Videnskab",
- }
- @InBook{Heilesen2015,
- author = "Simon B. Heilesen",
- title = "Supporting Project Work with Information Technology",
- doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-09716-9_16",
- pages = "245--259",
- crossref = "Andersen2015",
- }
- @InBook{Julia2023,
- author = "Rogushina Julia",
- booktitle = "Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems",
- date = "2023",
- title = "Use of the Semantic Wiki Resources for Open Science Support",
- doi = "10.1007/978-981-99-4764-5_23",
- ISBN = "978-981-9947-64-5",
- pages = "361--374",
- publisher = "Springer Nature Singapore",
- crossref = "Springer2023ITAF",
- ISSN = "2367-3389",
- }
- @InBook{Nielsen2017,
- author = "Finn Årup Nielsen and Daniel Mietchen and Egon Willighagen",
- booktitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
- title = "Scholia, Scientometrics and Wikidata",
- doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-70407-4_36",
- pages = "237--259",
- crossref = "Springer2017ESWCremote",
- file = ":Nielsen2017 - Scholia, Scientometrics and Wikidata.pdf:PDF:https\://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-319-70407-4_36.pdf",
- }
- @InBook{PablosCeruelo2014,
- author = "Víctor Pablos-Ceruelo and Susana Muñoz-Hernández",
- title = "Introducing Similarity Relations in a Framework for Modelling Real-World Fuzzy Knowledge",
- doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-08852-5_6",
- pages = "51--60",
- crossref = "Springer2014IPMI",
- }
- @InBook{Phillipson2008,
- author = "Mark Phillipson",
- title = "Wikis in the Classroom: {A} Taxonomy",
- doi = "10.2307/j.ctv65sx6q.6",
- pages = "19--43",
- crossref = "Cummings2008",
- }
- @InBook{Pressman2018,
- author = "Andrew Pressman",
- title = "Design Thinking Overview",
- doi = "10.4324/9781315561936-2",
- pages = "3--12",
- crossref = "Pressman2018book",
- }
- @InBook{Rogushina2023,
- author = "Julia Rogushina and Anatoly Gladun and Rafael Valencia-Garcia",
- title = "Reuse of Ontological Knowledge in Open Science: Models, Sources, Repositories",
- doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-45682-4_12",
- pages = "157--172",
- crossref = "Springer2023CITI",
- }
- @InBook{Selvan2023,
- author = "Raghavendra Selvan and Julian Schön and Erik B. Dam",
- booktitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
- title = "Operating Critical Machine Learning Models in Resource Constrained Regimes",
- doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-47425-5_29",
- pages = "325--335",
- crossref = "Springer2023MICCAI",
- file = ":Selvan2023 - Operating Critical Machine Learning Models in Resource Constrained Regimes.pdf:PDF:https\://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.10181",
- }
- @InBook{Simonsen2010,
- author = "Jesper Simonsen and Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt and John Damm Scheuer and Monika Büscher",
- title = "Synergies",
- pages = "201--212",
- crossref = "Simonsen2010book",
- }
- @Book{Allemang2020,
- author = "Dean Allemang and Jim Hendler and Fabien Gandon",
- date = "2020-07",
- title = "Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist: Effective Modeling for Linked Data, {RDFS}, and {OWL}",
- doi = "10.1145/3382097",
- ISBN = "978-1-4503-7617-4",
- language = "engelsk",
- publisher = "ACM",
- file = ":Allemang2020 - Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist_ Effective Modeling for Linked Data, RDFS, and OWL.pdf:PDF:https\://www.bis.org/publ/bcbs239.pdf",
- }
- @Book{Andersen2015,
- date = "2015",
- doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-09716-9",
- editor = "Anders Siig Andersen and Simon B. Heilesen",
- ISBN = "978-3-319-09716-9",
- language = "engelsk",
- publisher = "Springer International Publishing",
- series = "Innovation and Change in Professional Education, 12",
- booktitle = "The Roskilde Model: Problem-Oriented Learning and Project Work",
- file = ":Andersen2015 -.pdf:PDF:https\://link.springer.com/content/pdf/bfm\:978-3-319-09716-9/1?pdf=chapter%20toc",
- }
- @InBook{Bento2022,
- author = "Alexandre Bento and Lionel Médini and Kamal Singh and Frédérique Laforest",
- booktitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
- title = "Do Arduinos Dream of Efficient Reasoners?",
- doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-06981-9_17",
- pages = "289--304",
- file = ":Bento2022 - Do Arduinos Dream of Efficient Reasoners_.pdf:PDF:https\://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03607825/file/main.pdf",
- }
- @Article{Bjorn2006,
- author = "Pernille Bjørn",
- date = "2006-07",
- journaltitle = "Tidsskrift for Universiteternes Efter- og Videreuddannelse (UNEV)",
- title = "Medieret vejledning af problemorienteret projektarbejde",
- doi = "10.7146/unev.v4i9.4918",
- ISSN = "1603-5518",
- language = "dansk",
- number = "9",
- subtitle = "Udfordringer for vejledning i problemformuleringsfasen",
- volume = "4",
- file = ":Bjorn2006 - Medieret Vejledning Af Problemorienteret Projektarbejde.pdf:PDF:https\://tidsskrift.dk/unev/article/download/4918/4324",
- publisher = "Det Kgl. Bibliotek/Royal Danish Library",
- }
- @Article{Couch2015,
- author = "Brian A. Couch and Tanya L. Brown and Tyler J. Schelpat and Mark J. Graham and Jennifer K. Knight",
- date = "2015-03",
- journaltitle = "CBE—Life Sciences Education",
- title = "Scientific Teaching: Defining a Taxonomy of Observable Practices",
- doi = "10.1187/cbe.14-01-0002",
- editor = "Michèle Shuster",
- ISSN = "1931-7913",
- language = "engelsk",
- number = "1",
- pages = "ar9",
- volume = "14",
- publisher = "American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB)",
- }
- @TechReport{COWI2021,
- author = "Aske Nydam Guldberg and Anita Dahl Hansen and Louise Kreilgård and Jesper Karup Pedersen",
- date = "2021-04",
- title = "Kvalitet af plast samt mad- og drikkekartoner",
- language = "dansk",
- URL = "https://mst.dk/publikationer/2021/april/kvalitet-af-plast-samt-mad-og-drikkekartoner",
- urldate = "2024-05-05",
- organisation = "COWI A/S",
- publisher = "Miljøministeriet",
- }
- @Book{Cummings2008,
- date = "2008-12",
- doi = "10.2307/j.ctv65sx6q",
- editor = "Robert E. Cummings and Matt Barton",
- ISBN = "978-0-472-90053-4",
- language = "engelsk",
- publisher = "University of Michigan Press",
- booktitle = "Wiki Writing: Collaborative Learning in the College Classroom",
- }
- @Booklet{DuCharme2013,
- author = "Bob {DuCharme}",
- date = "2013-08-13",
- title = "Learning {SPARQL}",
- language = "engelsk",
- subtitle = "querying and updating with {SPARQL} 1.1",
- URL = "https://www.learningsparql.com/",
- urldate = "2024-05-06",
- edition = "2",
- ISBN = "978-1-4493-7143-2",
- publisher = "O'Reilly Media",
- }
- @Book{Ebersbach2006,
- author = "Anja Ebersbach and Markus Glaser and Richard Heigl",
- date = "2006",
- doi = "10.1007/3-540-29267-5",
- ISBN = "3-540-25995-3",
- language = "engelsk",
- publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
- file = ":Ebersbach2006 -.pdf:PDF:https\://link.springer.com/content/pdf/bfm\:978-3-540-29267-8/1",
- }
- @Article{Faerber2021,
- author = "Michael Färber and David Lamprecht",
- date = "2021",
- journaltitle = "Quantitative Science Studies",
- title = "The data set knowledge graph: Creating a linked open data source for data sets",
- doi = "10.1162/qss_a_00161",
- ISSN = "2641-3337",
- language = "engelsk",
- number = "4",
- pages = "1324--1355",
- volume = "2",
- file = ":Faerber2021 - The Data Set Knowledge Graph_ Creating a Linked Open Data Source for Data Sets.pdf:PDF:https\://direct.mit.edu/qss/article-pdf/2/4/1324/2007952/qss_a_00161.pdf",
- publisher = "MIT Press - Journals",
- }
- @Article{Ferrucci2010,
- author = "David Ferrucci and Eric Brown and Jennifer Chu-Carroll and James Fan and David Gondek and Aditya A. Kalyanpur and Adam Lally and J. William Murdock and Eric Nyberg and John Prager and Nico Schlaefer and Chris Welty",
- date = "2010-10",
- journaltitle = "AI Magazine",
- title = "Building Watson: An Overview of the Deep{QA} Project",
- doi = "10.1609/aimag.v31i3.2303",
- ISSN = "2371-9621",
- number = "3",
- pages = "59--79",
- volume = "31",
- file = ":Ferrucci2010 - Building Watson_ an Overview of the DeepQA Project.pdf:PDF:https\://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/aimagazine/article/download/2303/2165",
- publisher = "Wiley",
- }
- @Article{Frederiksen2016,
- author = "Niels Erik Frederiksen",
- date = "2016-02",
- journaltitle = "OJS på dansk",
- title = "Hypothes.is -- Nyt plug-in i {OJS}",
- doi = "10.7146/ojssb.v7i7.23197",
- ISSN = "1904-335X",
- language = "dansk",
- number = "7",
- volume = "7",
- file = ":Frederiksen2016 - Hypothes.is Nyt Plug in I OJS.pdf:PDF:https\://tidsskrift.dk/ojssb/article/download/23197/20388",
- publisher = "Det Kgl. Bibliotek/Royal Danish Library",
- }
- @Article{Goller2021,
- author = "Carlos C. Goller and Micah Vandegrift and Will Cross and Davida S. Smyth",
- date = "2021-04",
- journaltitle = "Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education",
- title = "Sharing Notes Is Encouraged: Annotating and Cocreating with Hypothes.is and Google Docs",
- doi = "10.1128/jmbe.v22i1.2135",
- ISSN = "1935-7885",
- number = "1",
- volume = "22",
- publisher = "American Society for Microbiology",
- }
- @Article{Goy2017,
- author = "Annamaria Goy and Diego Magro and Giovanna Petrone and Claudia Picardi and Marco Rovera and Marino Segnan",
- date = "2017",
- journaltitle = "Advances in Human--Computer Interaction",
- title = "An Integrated Support to Collaborative Semantic Annotation",
- doi = "10.1155/2017/7219098",
- ISSN = "1687-5907",
- language = "engelsk",
- pages = "1--12",
- volume = "2017",
- file = ":Goy2017 - An Integrated Support to Collaborative Semantic Annotation.pdf:PDF:https\://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/ahci/2017/7219098.pdf",
- publisher = "Hindawi Limited",
- }
- @Book{Heath2011,
- author = "Tom Heath and Christian Bizer",
- date = "2011",
- title = "Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space",
- doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-79432-2",
- ISBN = "978-3-031-79432-2",
- language = "engelsk",
- publisher = "Springer International Publishing",
- ISSN = "2691-2031",
- journaltitle = "Synthesis Lectures on Data, Semantics, and Knowledge",
- }
- @Article{Heilesen2016,
- author = "Simon Heilesen and Søren Davidsen",
- date = "2016-05",
- journaltitle = "Tidsskriftet Læring og Medier (LOM)",
- title = "Projektarbejde og akademisk {IT}-skoling",
- doi = "10.7146/lom.v9i15.23106",
- ISSN = "1903-248X",
- language = "dansk",
- number = "15",
- volume = "9",
- file = ":Heilesen2016 - Projektarbejde Og Akademisk IT Skoling.pdf:PDF:https\://tidsskrift.dk/lom/article/download/23106/20492",
- publisher = "Det Kgl. Bibliotek/Royal Danish Library",
- }
- @InBook{Hertzum2014,
- author = "Morten Hertzum",
- title = "Project Designs for Student Design Projects",
- doi = "10.7551/mitpress/9936.003.0005",
- pages = "39--56",
- }
- @Article{Hoyt2023,
- author = "Charles Tapley Hoyt and Benjamin M. Gyori",
- date = "2023-11",
- title = "Open code, open data, and open infrastructure to promote the sustainability of curated scientific resources",
- doi = "10.31219/osf.io/vuzt3",
- file = ":Hoyt2023 - Open Code, Open Data, and Open Infrastructure to Promote the Sustainability of Curated Scientific Resources.pdf:PDF",
- publisher = "Center for Open Science",
- }
- @Article{Janowicz2014,
- author = "Krzysztof Janowicz and Pascal Hitzler and Benjamin Adams and Dave Kolas and Charles {Vardeman II}",
- date = "2014",
- journaltitle = "Semantic Web",
- title = "Five stars of Linked Data vocabulary use",
- doi = "10.3233/sw-140135",
- ISSN = "1570-0844",
- language = "engelsk",
- number = "3",
- pages = "173--176",
- volume = "5",
- file = ":Janowicz2014 - Five Stars of Linked Data Vocabulary Use.pdf:PDF:http\://www.semantic-web-journal.net/system/files/swj653.pdf",
- publisher = "IOS Press",
- }
- @Article{Jorgensen2018,
- author = "Niels Jørgensen",
- date = "2018-12-17",
- title = "Digital signatur",
- language = "dansk",
- subtitle = "En eksemplarisk analyse af en teknologis indre mekanismer og processer",
- URL = "https://forskning.ruc.dk/da/publications/digital-signatur-en-eksemplarisk-analyse-af-en-teknologis-indre-m",
- urldate = "2024-03-12",
- publisher = "Roskilde Universitet",
- }
- @InCollection{Jorgensen2019,
- author = "Niels Jørgensen",
- date = "2019-05",
- title = "{TRIN}-modellen er ikke en metode",
- language = "dansk",
- URL = "https://ruc-thirdroom.dk/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Bilag_3.pdf",
- urldate = "2024-04-02",
- file = ":Jorgensen2019 - TRIN Modellen Er Ikke En Metode.pdf:PDF:https\://ruc-thirdroom.dk/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Bilag_3.pdf",
- }
- @Article{Kalir2018,
- author = "Jeremiah H. Kalir and Jeremy Dean",
- date = "2018",
- journaltitle = "Media Practice and Education",
- title = "Web Annotation as Conversation and Interruption",
- doi = "10.1080/14682753.2017.1362168",
- number = "1",
- pages = "18--29",
- volume = "19",
- publisher = "Routledge",
- }
- @Article{Kanza2019,
- author = "Samantha Kanza and Nicholas Gibbins and Jeremy G. Frey",
- date = "2019-03",
- journaltitle = "Journal of Cheminformatics",
- title = "Too many tags spoil the metadata",
- doi = "10.1186/s13321-019-0345-8",
- ISSN = "1758-2946",
- language = "engelsk",
- number = "1",
- subtitle = "investigating the knowledge management of scientific research with semantic web technologies",
- volume = "11",
- file = ":Kanza2019 - Too Many Tags Spoil the Metadata.pdf:PDF:https\://jcheminf.biomedcentral.com/counter/pdf/10.1186/s13321-019-0345-8",
- publisher = "Springer Science and Business Media LLC",
- }
- @Article{Kararo2019,
- author = "Matthew Kararo and Melissa {McCartney}",
- date = "2019-01",
- journaltitle = "{PLOS} Biology",
- title = "Annotated primary scientific literature: {A} pedagogical tool for undergraduate courses",
- doi = "10.1371/journal.pbio.3000103",
- ISSN = "1545-7885",
- language = "engelsk",
- number = "1",
- pages = "e3000103",
- volume = "17",
- file = ":Kararo2019 - Annotated Primary Scientific Literature_ a Pedagogical Tool for Undergraduate Courses.pdf:PDF:https\://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article/file?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3000103&type=printable",
- keywords = "Undergraduates, Instructors, Human learning, Education, Reflection, Literacy, Graduates, Universities",
- publisher = "Public Library of Science",
- shortjournal = "{PLOS} Biology",
- shorttitle = "Annotated primary scientific literature",
- }
- @InCollection{KUkriterier,
- title = "Idéudvælgelse baseret på vægtede kriterier",
- URL = "https://innovation.sites.ku.dk/metode/ideudvaelgelse-vaegtet-udvaelgelse-af-hojst-10-ideer/",
- urldate = "2023-12-18",
- }
- @Collection{KUvaerktoj,
- language = "dansk",
- publisher = "Københavns Universitet",
- URL = "https://innovation.sites.ku.dk/",
- urldate = "2024-02-16",
- booktitle = "Værktøjskassen til innovation og entreprenørskab i undervisningen",
- }
- @InBook{Liu2022,
- author = "Zilong Liu and Meilin Shi and Krzysztof Janowicz and Blake Regalia and Stephanie Delbecque and Gengchen Mai and Rui Zhu and Pascal Hitzler",
- booktitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
- title = "{LD} Connect: {A} Linked Data Portal for {IOS} Press Scientometrics",
- doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-06981-9_19",
- pages = "323--337",
- }
- @Article{Lund2020,
- author = "Birthe Lund",
- date = "2020-12",
- journaltitle = "Forskning og forandring",
- title = "{B}æredygtighedspædagogik og handlekompetence -- et velkommen tilbage til 70’erne?",
- doi = "10.23865/fof.v3.2433",
- ISSN = "2535-5279",
- language = "dansk",
- number = "2",
- pages = "47--68",
- volume = "3",
- file = ":Lund2020 - Bæredygtighedspædagogik Og Handlekompetence Et Velkommen Tilbage Til 70’erne_.pdf:PDF:https\://forskningogforandring.dk/index.php/fof/article/download/2433/4854",
- publisher = "Cappelen Damm AS - Cappelen Damm Akademisk",
- }
- @Booklet{March2017,
- author = "Jordi {March i Nogué} and Núria Vidal Rodrigo",
- date = "2017-11-27",
- title = "Waste hierachy. The 3 {R} (reduce, reuse, recycle)",
- language = "engelsk",
- note = "© Jordi March i Nogué and Núria Vidal Rodrigo, licenseret under CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported. For at se en kopi af denne licens, besøg https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/",
- type = "diagram",
- URL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Waste_hierarchy_rect-en.svg",
- urldate = "2024-05-03",
- organization = "Wikimedia",
- }
- @InCollection{Mikkelsen2000,
- author = "Nicolai Bendix Mikkelsen",
- date = "2000-11",
- title = "Gaveøkonomi",
- language = "dansk",
- subtitle = "et perspektiv på udveksling over nettet",
- URL = "http://gift-economy.jones.dk/speciale/",
- urldate = "2024-04-16",
- }
- @InProceedings{Ngwenya2018,
- author = "Sibangiso Ngwenya and Sikhulumani Bayeza Mangena and Khesani Richard Chilumani",
- booktitle = "International Conference on e-Learning",
- date = "2018",
- title = "An Ontology-Based {E}-Learning Assessment System for Online Learners in Higher Learning Institutions",
- language = "engelsk",
- location = "Kidmore End",
- pages = "285--XVI",
- publisher = "Academic Conferences International Limited",
- abstract = "Learning is a process of acquiring knowledge and skills in a particular domain of interest. This process, though continuous in one's life, ends with formative or summative assessment, in specific domain. In higher learning institutions, learning is acquired mostly through reading, experiments, observation, discussion, collaboration, lecturing etc, where sources of information play a fundamental roll. Repositories of learning resources are made available to students through portals that are integrated into e-learning management systems. Observations have showed that students are interested in these learning resources so that through utilising them they can acquire knowledge and skills, a part that is fundamental for one to be described as learned. The paper delves on the development and implementation of an ontology based innovative e-learning system with regard to acquisition of knowledge and skills by online learners at higher learning institutions set up where only core learner activities are identified. An e-learning ontology is used to model a domain of knowledge, thus complementing the functionalities of other learning systems that do not implement this technology. The paper presents assessment of students using assignments with instant feedback on the performance of the students following a Student-Teacher interaction algorithm (STia). The system is developed following creative design methodology and tested with the undergraduate students in the department of Computer Science at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) in Zimbabwe. Empirical results are given with regard to the strengths and weaknesses of the system as seen by the users. Recommendations to higher learning institutions in terms of policy, e-learning technologies and utilisation of e-learning systems are given.",
- copyright = "Copyright Academic Conferences International Limited Jul 2018",
- file = ":Ngwenya2018 - An Ontology Based E Learning Assessment System for Online Learners in Higher Learning Institutions.pdf:PDF:https\://search-ebscohost-com.ep.fjernadgang.kb.dk/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ehh&jid=B1TA&site=ehost-live",
- ISSN = "2048-8882",
- keywords = "Web 2.0 ; Distance education ; Ontology ; World Wide Web ; Research ; Teaching ; Training ; Semantic Web ; Teachers ; Students ; Ability ; Semantics ; Mobile communication systems in education ; Online data processing ; Knowledge management ; Computer science ; Technology assessment ; Problem solving",
- }
- @Book{Ollmann2003,
- author = "Bertell Ollman",
- date = "2003",
- ISBN = "0-252-02832-5",
- language = "engelsk",
- publisher = "University of Illinois Press",
- booksubtitle = "steps in Marx's method",
- booktitle = "Dance of the dialectic",
- keywords = "Marx, Karl, 1818-1883",
- }
- @InCollection{Pontis2015,
- author = "Sheila Pontis",
- date = "2015-06",
- title = "Design thinking revised",
- language = "engelsk",
- URL = "https://sheilapontis.com/2015/06/04/design-thinking-revised/",
- urldate = "2023-09-20",
- }
- @Book{Pressman2018book,
- author = "Andrew Pressman",
- date = "2018-10",
- doi = "10.4324/9781315561936",
- edition = "1",
- ISBN = "978-1-315-56193-6",
- language = "engelsk",
- publisher = "Routledge",
- urldate = "2024-02-16",
- booksubtitle = "A Guide To Creative Problem Solving For Everyone",
- booktitle = "Design Thinking",
- }
- @Misc{Ragab2024DESERE,
- author = "Mohamed Ragab and Yury Savateev and Wenjie Wang and Reza Moosaei and Thanassis Tiropanis and Alexandra Poulovassilis and Adriane Chapman and Helen Oliver and George Roussos",
- date = "2024",
- title = "{DESERE}",
- doi = "10.48550/arxiv.2403.07732",
- eprint = "2403.07732",
- eprintclass = "cs.IR",
- eprinttype = "arXiv",
- language = "engelsk",
- subtitle = "The 1st Workshop on Decentralised Search and Recommendation",
- file = ":Ragab2024DESERE - DESERE.pdf:PDF:http\://arxiv.org/pdf/2403.07732v1",
- }
- @Article{Rasberry2019,
- author = "Lane Rasberry and Egon Willighagen and Finn Nielsen and Daniel Mietchen",
- date = "2019-05",
- journaltitle = "Research Ideas and Outcomes",
- title = "Robustifying Scholia: paving the way for knowledge discovery and research assessment through Wikidata",
- doi = "10.3897/rio.5.e35820",
- ISSN = "2367-7163",
- language = "engelsk",
- volume = "5",
- file = ":Rasberry2019 - Robustifying Scholia_ Paving the Way for Knowledge Discovery and Research Assessment through Wikidata.pdf:PDF:https\://riojournal.com/article/35820/download/pdf/",
- publisher = "Pensoft Publishers",
- }
- @Article{Sahli2022,
- author = "Aymane Sahli and Eujin Pei and Arthi Manohar and Richard Evans",
- date = "2022",
- journaltitle = "Procedia CIRP",
- title = "Knowledge Visualization",
- doi = "10.1016/j.procir.2022.05.305",
- ISSN = "2212-8271",
- language = "engelsk",
- pages = "629--634",
- subtitle = "A Design centered Framework",
- volume = "109",
- file = ":Sahli2022 - Knowledge Visualization.pdf:PDF:https\://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/282173/1-s2.0-S2212827122X00061/1-s2.0-S2212827122007545/main.pdf?X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEAsaCXVzLWVhc3QtMSJIMEYCIQD9YmuhrYVWaK5eqA2jZ9I1ba5WFhVa4FQFCXnAapZkcwIhAPVay3HIYpvzSWvG4RF1Ffzjq0%2B0JOMJnmTbgwQg3tQSKrMFCHQQBRoMMDU5MDAzNTQ2ODY1IgxEcjS8Ol3E7GZuoo0qkAWXvnymNOTxcTtPrhJuwIeQCR4rZoVKM0OC%2FedmgOaJC3yeLZXCLfNLpKY%2F%2FuLq%2BKw1WqQeqjehyVqFLoPzpA1jvtjUnuSu%2FXYTiIM1K7u3l0pLjdJXwKqRsIiAAZUjJrUAsz3U4pmbQTZ9x6QYQVPAeL60lR%2FUiGt3jVXCYxHfn9sb197Scl%2FBCadBc8lXfjSVHBqsvUNO1ZZ0ywQYPvsx77opAdtxr8ez9wEPiWXTC0EPcqINvxeodhYBBf1MXUhyVNQ%2BsprmFpHHclq87PXNwB5JvZHEUcDNMwnytN7VgXfAMlu27uBrgqf9RDOW1qs%2Brlnq%2FEl3tjXQF6Ba3JWbm3Wrtjm9YhWSXiazo7aAWEROZhVrCy2vltZLrKcM4AsYDkglDab4AbplggkX%2BnPTZESgXSB3nHXm%2F8fGaM1HsavJdqCqksso8d0K3xUwRUShp4llxL8BRzZSLgFvbk9Py5%2B9wJHPzxKuNtRUH9vVq8%2B%2Bds1FeIviBNayFYx2TGaWk0xVV6Ihmr1c8cFH9%2BVt7CDHHgspmsE2C9Y8VFRq7kyEituLienVSwabyZAXTJpmqus3ObARbNxutWHh3DMnjgzRs3e2Uq%2Bl3YRMjPlyXi60Zf70vx0yTVEtzyICdI5tm9jiyMu1cZAgcY5Jw7vNt7fUYE2qQrF0Oc4Bt%2FiiEOxD9ZYmaJHuNcgLhug8ukVvNjZGe%2FGUOs2EMQAvQ1%2F0O2VwxUtMN2iZnT2JQt%2FlyC0EMNBolofW5jyWcooQVKWBNWFQqCWfgUjiJQBKLcY9j%2F%2BjH%2FHPv6yrM56qyc8%2BXw%2FWR4gp6uQ6Cs5wipSJVxQDGUiUxk017TJT%2BgLFPUFxHeoo%2FagLCWtPwgGGHvdBxzDi1oeyBjqwATzPyB7FYi9ERuw%2BfMwIxQQFV6S63CspJ%2BFaJa3iYDFJNqi6RgdgZ6Ch50hzGeuIu00pnm6b6D3QubQ47Bng9HRroqK5B9qkIa9qVigYvE3GT9xksOK7Q0du9ZoGzbs7qkwRtN922LG%2FEeAgErEnmyop7f0MlWvyUxpXI8vzv0cjTLFoyHVIBBGmQolGO%2FacLOn2cSkSUh8xSyxNMkuannhq6j3P41bwb1CUKx%2B9GVUr&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20240513T110251Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAQ3PHCVTYZWVCMJMC%2F20240513%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=98bf76bbdbe402affb8e8a8b0b5f16f50b8c1070dd8c45598261446a4cabb7ec&hash=b384b1a91d41fa2beb0813867236a7e8da86de0dd2c89b4d6d92bb8ad893be30&host=68042c943591013ac2b2430a89b270f6af2c76d8dfd086a07176afe7c76c2c61&pii=S2212827122007545&tid=spdf-f5914018-5dbe-4443-a0c3-ff4286170f3e&sid=01721b075d487744ac5a73452c9a91fc7e6cgxrqb&type=client&tsoh=d3d3LnNjaWVuY2VkaXJlY3QuY29t&ua=1e0d5d5b55525c5b595f&rr=883228998e861d16&cc=dk",
- publisher = "Elsevier BV",
- }
- @Article{Sanders2014,
- author = "Elizabeth B.-N. Sanders and Pieter Jan Stappers",
- date = "2014-01",
- journaltitle = "{CoDesign}",
- title = "Probes, toolkits and prototypes",
- doi = "10.1080/15710882.2014.888183",
- ISSN = "1745-3755",
- language = "engelsk",
- number = "1",
- pages = "5--14",
- subtitle = "three approaches to making in codesigning",
- volume = "10",
- publisher = "Informa {UK} Limited",
- }
- @Book{Schraube2024,
- author = "Ernst Schraube",
- date = "2024-01",
- title = "Digitalization and Learning as a Worlding Practice",
- doi = "10.4324/9780429031076",
- ISBN = "978-0-429-03107-6",
- language = "engelsk",
- publisher = "Routledge",
- subtitle = "Why Dialogue Matters",
- }
- @Book{Simonsen2010book,
- date = "2010-09",
- doi = "10.4324/9780203855836",
- editor = "Jesper Simonsen and Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt and Monika Büscher and John Damm Scheuer",
- ISBN = "978-1-135-14593-4",
- language = "engelsk",
- publisher = "Routledge",
- booksubtitle = "synergies from interdisciplinary perspectives",
- booktitle = "Design research",
- }
- @Article{Simonsen2012,
- author = "Jesper Simonsen and Morten Hertzum",
- date = "2012-07",
- journaltitle = "Design Issues",
- title = "Sustained Participatory Design",
- doi = "10.1162/desi_a_00158",
- ISSN = "1531-4790",
- language = "engelsk",
- number = "3",
- pages = "10--21",
- subtitle = "Extending the Iterative Approach",
- volume = "28",
- file = ":Simonsen2012 - Sustained Participatory Design.pdf:PDF:https\://forskning.ruc.dk/files/63822119/Simonsen_and_Hertzum_2012_preprint.pdf",
- publisher = "MIT Press - Journals",
- }
- @Book{Simonsen2014book,
- date = "2014-07",
- doi = "10.7551/mitpress/9936.001.0001",
- editor = "Jesper Simonsen and Connie Svabo and Sara Malou Strandvad and Kristine Samson and Morten Hertzum and Ole Erik Hansen",
- ISBN = "978-0-262-32100-6",
- language = "engelsk",
- publisher = "The {MIT} Press",
- booktitle = "Situated Design Methods",
- }
- @Book{SNAK1992,
- author = "{Statens Humanistiske Forskningsråd}",
- date = "1992",
- title = "Dansk standard for udskrifter og registrering af talesprog",
- edition = "2",
- language = "dansk",
- publisher = "Statens Humanistiske Forskningsråd",
- series = "SNAK, tillæg til 2. årg. nr. 1, 1987",
- }
- @Book{Springer2014IPMI,
- date = "2014",
- doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-08852-5",
- ISBN = "978-3-319-08852-5",
- publisher = "Springer International Publishing",
- booksubtitle = "15th International Conference, {IPMU} 2014, Montpellier, France, July 15-19, 2014, Proceedings, Part {III}",
- booktitle = "Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems",
- ISSN = "1865-0937",
- journaltitle = "Communications in Computer and Information Science",
- }
- @Book{Springer2017ESWCremote,
- date = "2017",
- doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-70407-4",
- ISBN = "978-3-319-70407-4",
- language = "engelsk",
- publisher = "Springer International Publishing",
- booksubtitle = "{ESWC} 2017 Satellite Events",
- booktitle = "The Semantic Web",
- file = ":Springer2017ESWCremote -.pdf:PDF:https\://link-springer-com.ep.fjernadgang.kb.dk/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-319-70407-4.pdf",
- ISSN = "1611-3349",
- journaltitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
- }
- @Book{Springer2021ISWC,
- date = "2021",
- doi = "10.1007/978-3-030-88361-4",
- ISBN = "978-3-030-88361-4",
- language = "engelsk",
- publisher = "Springer International Publishing",
- booksubtitle = "20th International Semantic Web Conference, {ISWC} 2021, Virtual Event, October 24--28, 2021, Proceedings",
- booktitle = "The Semantic Web---{ISWC} 2021",
- file = ":Springer2021ISWC -.pdf:PDF:https\://link.springer.com/content/pdf/bfm\:978-3-030-88361-4/1?pdf=chapter%20toc",
- ISSN = "1611-3349",
- journaltitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
- }
- @Book{Springer2022ESWC,
- date = "2022",
- doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-06981-9",
- ISBN = "978-3-031-06981-9",
- language = "engelsk",
- publisher = "Springer International Publishing",
- booksubtitle = "19th International Conference, {ESWC} 2022, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, May 29 -- June 2, 2022, Proceedings",
- booktitle = "The Semantic Web",
- file = ":Springer2022ESWC -.pdf:PDF:https\://link-springer-com.ep.fjernadgang.kb.dk/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-031-06981-9.pdf",
- ISSN = "1611-3349",
- journaltitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
- }
- @Book{Springer2023CITI,
- date = "2023",
- doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-45682-4",
- ISBN = "978-3-031-45682-4",
- publisher = "Springer Nature Switzerland",
- booksubtitle = "9th International Conference, {CITI} 2023, Guayaquil, Ecuador, November 13–16, 2023, Proceedings",
- booktitle = "Technologies and Innovation",
- file = ":Springer2023CITI -.pdf:PDF:https\://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-031-45682-4.pdf",
- ISSN = "1865-0937",
- journaltitle = "Communications in Computer and Information Science",
- }
- @Book{Springer2023ESWC,
- date = "2023",
- doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-33455-9",
- ISBN = "978-3-031-33455-9",
- language = "engelsk",
- publisher = "Springer Nature Switzerland",
- booksubtitle = "20th International Conference, {ESWC} 2023, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, May 28 -- June 1, 2023, Proceedings",
- booktitle = "The Semantic Web",
- file = ":Springer2023ESWC -.pdf:PDF:https\://link-springer-com.ep.fjernadgang.kb.dk/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-031-33455-9.pdf",
- ISSN = "1611-3349",
- journaltitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
- }
- @Book{Springer2023ITAF,
- date = "2023",
- doi = "10.1007/978-981-99-4764-5",
- ISBN = "978-981-9947-64-5",
- publisher = "Springer Nature Singapore",
- booksubtitle = "Towards Innovative Digital Transformation: Proceedings of {ITAF} 2023",
- booktitle = "Green Sustainability",
- file = ":Springer2023ITAF -.pdf:PDF:https\://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-981-99-4764-5.pdf",
- ISSN = "2367-3389",
- journaltitle = "Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems",
- }
- @Book{Springer2023MICCAI,
- date = "2023",
- doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-47425-5",
- ISBN = "978-3-031-47425-5",
- language = "engelsk",
- publisher = "Springer Nature Switzerland",
- booksubtitle = "MTSAIL 2023, LEAF 2023, AI4Treat 2023, MMMI 2023, REMIA 2023, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2023, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 8--12, 2023, Proceedings",
- booktitle = "Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention---MICCAI 2023 Workshops",
- ISSN = "1611-3349",
- journaltitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
- }
- @Article{Stanford2013,
- author = "Thomas Both and Dave Baggereor",
- date = "2013-07",
- title = "Design Thinking Bootcamp Bootleg",
- language = "engelsk",
- URL = "https://dschool.stanford.edu/resources/the-bootcamp-bootleg",
- urldate = "2023-10-26",
- publisher = "Institute of Design at Stanford University",
- }
- @Article{Stanford2021,
- author = "Tania Anaissie and Victor Cary and David Clifford and Tom Malarkey and Susie Wise",
- date = "2021-04",
- title = "Liberatory Design",
- language = "engelsk",
- subtitle = "mindsets and modes to design for equity",
- URL = "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60380011d63f16013f7cc4c2/t/6070b8d5c800831d97d67ff0/1618000087869/Liberatory_Design_Deck_2021.pdf",
- urldate = "2023-09-20",
- file = ":Stanford2021 - Liberatory Design.pdf:PDF:https\://static1.squarespace.com/static/60380011d63f16013f7cc4c2/t/6070b8d5c800831d97d67ff0/1618000087869/Liberatory_Design_Deck_2021.pdf",
- publisher = "Institute of Design at Stanford University",
- }
- @Article{Thompson2017,
- author = "Neil Thompson and Douglas Hanley",
- date = "2017",
- journaltitle = "SSRN Electronic Journal",
- title = "Science Is Shaped by Wikipedia: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial",
- doi = "10.2139/ssrn.3039505",
- ISSN = "1556-5068",
- language = "engelsk",
- publisher = "Elsevier BV",
- }
- @Article{Venable2016,
- author = "John Venable and Jan Pries-Heje and Richard Baskerville",
- date = "2016-01",
- journaltitle = "European Journal of Information Systems",
- title = "{FEDS}",
- doi = "10.1057/ejis.2014.36",
- ISSN = "0960-085X",
- language = "engelsk",
- number = "1",
- pages = "77--89",
- subtitle = "a Framework for Evaluation in Design Science Research",
- volume = "25",
- file = ":Venable2016 - FEDS.pdf:PDF:https\://espace.curtin.edu.au/bitstream/20.500.11937/41727/2/203558_203558.pdf",
- publisher = "Informa {UK} Limited",
- }
- @Collection{Videnskab,
- language = "dansk",
- publisher = "Videnskab.dk",
- URL = "https://videnskab.dk/",
- urldate = "2024-04-16",
- booktitle = "Videnskab.dk",
- ean = "5798000555174",
- ISSN = "1903-301X",
- }
- @Book{Winner2020,
- author = "Langdon Winner",
- date = "2020",
- title = "The Whale and the Reactor",
- doi = "10.7208/chicago/9780226692685.001.0001",
- edition = "2",
- ISBN = "978-0-226-69268-5",
- language = "engelsk",
- publisher = "University of Chicago Press",
- subtitle = "A Search for Limits in an Age of High Technology",
- }
- @Article{Yokochi2023,
- author = "Masashi Yokochi and Nishad Thalhath",
- date = "2023-07",
- title = "Evaluating Oxigraph Server as a triple store for small and medium-sized datasets",
- doi = "10.37044/osf.io/yru4b",
- language = "engelsk",
- publisher = "Center for Open Science",
- }
- @Booklet{Zuboff2019,
- author = "Shoshana Zuboff",
- date = "2019",
- title = "The age of surveillance capitalism",
- language = "engelsk",
- subtitle = "the fight for a human future at the new frontier of power",
- URL = "https://we.riseup.net/assets/533560/Zuboff%2C+Shoshana.The+Age+of+Surveillance+Capitalism.2019.pdf",
- urldate = "2024-02-13",
- booksubtitle = "the fight for a human future at the new frontier of power",
- booktitle = "The age of surveillance capitalism",
- edition = "1",
- file = ":Zuboff2019 - The Age of Surveillance Capitalism.pdf:PDF",
- ISBN = "978-1-78125-684-8",
- LCCN = "2018003901",
- publisher = "PublicAffairs",
- }
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