path: root/rdf/waste.sdm
blob: 2b28fa51a71c160a9003d34b358a22bb9848756d (plain)
  1. module waste action <https://thoughtroam.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzæøå.dk/rdf/> is
  2. import [ dc skos xsd ]
  3. import [ waste_view ]
  4. entity Resident is
  5. identity personId -> unknown
  6. viewsWasteAs -> {unique 0..6} waste_view:Grossness
  7. end
  8. entity Household is
  9. identity apartmentId -> unknown
  10. contains -> {1..9} Bin
  11. inhabitedBy -> {1..4} Resident
  12. end
  13. ; entity Host is
  14. ; provides -> Container
  15. ; end
  16. entity WasteCollector
  17. entity Bin is
  18. identity binId -> unknown
  19. capacity -> BinCapacity
  20. spareCapacity -> BinSpareCapacity
  21. end
  22. event BinEmptied source Bin is
  23. of -> Bin
  24. by -> Resident
  25. to -> Container
  26. resets -> BinSpareCapacity
  27. end
  28. event BinFilled source Bin is
  29. by -> Resident
  30. end
  31. structure Container
  32. structure Incinerator
  33. end