blob: 18c956c3e62f068bb62089bd3eb801dee0be35fc (
- project:
- type: website
- #subtitle: |
- # HumTek-B-23, Basisprojekt 2 \
- # eksamensgruppe V2324788176
- lang: da
- website:
- title: "Oversigt"
- navbar:
- left:
- - text: Produktioner
- menu:
- - text: Fælles
- href: graph/index.qmd
- - text: Sproget
- href: graphlang/index.qmd
- - text: Redskaber
- href: graphtools/index.qmd
- - text: Anvendelser
- href: graphuse/index.qmd
- - text: Tid
- href: time/index.qmd
- - text: Redskaber
- href: tools/index.qmd
- mainfont: ETbb
- mainfontoptions:
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- # setup graph libraries
- - text: |
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