# Thought Roam _(thoughtroam)_ > An anchor point for the minds of curious collaborators, > floating in a sea of knowledge and opportunities. Thought Roam is the digital platform for a group of scholarly students at the bachelor program Humanistic Technology at Roskilde University (Humtek). It is part of the larger project [RUC Play]. [RUC Play]: https://play.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzæøå.dk/ "RUC Play - community for curiosity-driven RUC students" ## Purpose Thoughtroam serves two purposes. Internally within and between the involved project teams, thoughtroam is a reference point for the scriblings drafted by the individual team members involved. At the same time, as those contributed scriblings evolve to form larger meaningful texts, thoughtroam serves as a reference point for outside readers, including, but not limited to, the tutors guiding the project teams and the opponent teams providing peer reviews. Thoughtroam may find additional use as a template for other project work - be it by the collaborators themselves, or fellow Humtech students, or anyone else finding benefit in the way things are structured, or perhaps in the archived historic evolution available through its [transparent revision tracking][git source]. ## Origin At Roskilde University, 50% of the curriculum is student-driven, done within project teams formed at the beginning of each semester. At the Spring 2024 semester at Humtek, multiple teams were formed based on a common curiosity to explore [Graph theory] implemented using [5-star data] principles. Thoughtroam was formed as an aid for collaboration across those project teams. [Graph theory]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_theory "graph theory - graphs as mathematical structures to model pairwise relations between objects" [5-star data]: https://ruc5star.redpill.dk/ "5-star data - principles for collaborative and open digital data handling" ## Contributing Feel free to informally reach out to the involved participants of thoughtroam, if you have constructive feedback. Please use the contact information tied to the specific subset that you wish to respond to. The project teams are however not formally open to participation from outsiders, so any closer collaboration beyond casual remarks require approval by Roskilde University. See the file <_affiliations.yml> for contact information. You are most welcome to help propose changes to the overarching structure for this project. The preferred approach is that you make your proposed changes to a fork of our [git source], and then [tell us](#License) how to access your fork. ## License Copyright © 2024 Jonas Smedegaard This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ([CC-BY-SA-4.0]). NB! Separate copyright and licensing notices exist for subsets of this project licensed differently. Notably, each included scholarly work is owned by the respective authors and licensed as granted by those authors. [git source]: https://source.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzæøå.dk/thoughtroam/ "git-tracked source of the thoughtroam project" [CC-BY-SA-4.0]: "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license"