diff options
authorJonas Smedegaard <>2024-06-01 18:05:24 +0200
committerJonas Smedegaard <>2024-06-04 17:35:42 +0200
commitf114390fd935c4884dcbb89b12d99fbd82abf01c (patch)
parent01f066dc3caabdaf854f0601ea2c238d22226afc (diff)
add annotation addendum for tags ontology reflection, via make target annot-all
3 files changed, 312 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index e6b0ac4..84851fa 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ BASE_SSH = $(SSH_HOST):$(SSH_BASE_PATH)
BASE_IRI = https://thoughtroam.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzæøå.dk/
+ANNOT_TAGS = ontology reflection
#PAD_ARTICLES = worlding
ARTICLES = waste worlding
@@ -44,16 +46,18 @@ learn/$(ONTOLOGIES_VERSION)/%.ttl: learn/%.ttl
-e 's,\n\s*owl:imports\s[^\n]+;(?=\n),,g;' \
< $< > $@
-annot-all: annot-sync annot-fetch
+annot-all: annot-sync annot-render
gooseberry sync
- gooseberry view --uri urn:x-pdf:923a0c10ff1cdb4db772a8a948176c52 > worlding/
gooseberry make --uri urn:x-pdf:923a0c10ff1cdb4db772a8a948176c52 --clear --force
+ perl -p \
+ -e 's/^#(?=\s)/##/g;' \
+ -e 's/^(?:Group|Created|Tags):.*\K/ /g;' \
+ -e 's/^\[See in context\].*//g;' \
+ $(ANNOT_TAGS:%=~/gooseberry/ > worlding/
cal-all: cal-fetch cal-render cal-publish
diff --git a/worlding/ b/worlding/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6a3bbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worlding/
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+## ontology
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Fri May 31 08:16:36 2024
+Tags: definition, learn10tac:ContentDimension, ontology, opinion
+> (1) the whatof the learning action, that is, the learning content and what thelearner would like to learn; (2) the why of the learning action,that is, the learner’s reasons for wanting to learn something. Thesemore content-related dimensions of learning give direction andthey determin
+Schraube defines two (plural!) learning dimensions: content and reason.
+Perhaps there it is only one dimension *containing* those two aspects.
+### -2sHnh_2Ee-ySkcv6l8_dQ
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Sat Jun 1 09:11:51 2024
+Tags: definition, ontology, learn10tac:BisectedLearning
+> address the learning content as a fact to be determined bythe teacher
+looks close to a definition
+### 7vjyNB5uEe-IYX-xPhdCaQ
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Thu May 30 10:25:27 2024
+Tags: learn10tac:BisectedLearningTrap, ontology
+> the content dimension of the learning action,such as identifying learning problems, exploring them, andforming independent ways of gaining knowledge, recedes into thebackground precisely because in bisected learning learners haveno reason to address these aspects since they have no influence onthem
+### oE03ChuIEe-qjatIvbdzDw
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Sun May 26 17:51:49 2024
+Tags: learn10tac:ContentDimension, definition, ontology
+> This process is the content dimension of thelearning action
+Ah, the very definition of "the content-related".
+### Tp29fBs3Ee-66aMjjqRixw
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Sun May 26 08:09:42 2024
+Tags: learn10tac:DefensiveReason, learn10tac:ExpansiveReason, learn10tac:Mode, learn10tac:Reason, learn10tac:DefensiveMode, learn10tac:ExpansiveMode, ontology
+> The specific reasons for thelearning action are decisive for the mode of engagement, whereby,as shown in Chapter 1, a distinction can be made between thetwo typical reasoning patterns, defensive and expansive reasonsfor learnin
+Defensive and expansive *reasons* for engaging into learning is distinct from defensive and expansive *modes* of engaging.
+### PD3gAB8nEe-yGBsYBNth4Q
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Fri May 31 08:24:44 2024
+Tags: learn10tac:IntentionalDimension, ontology
+> Every human activity is embedded in theconcrete interests, needs, and motives of the individual subject,and so every learning activity has an intentional dimension.
+### uDwOmB8iEe-T6C-hXwStZQ
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Fri May 31 07:52:25 2024
+Tags: learn10tac:MaterialDimension, ontology
+> when I make notes on a piece of paper, put my thoughtsinto words with a word processing application, create a mind-mapof my reasoning, buy a book, or do a search in digital archives.In psychological- educational research, the material dimension oflearning relations has long been regarded as secondary, as a rathermarginal and negligible phenomenon. Today, with computers,digitalization, and artificial intelligence systems, this has changed.
+the material dimension is the use of technologies: Instrumentation
+### ExqmhB5rEe-ZlduSkveg7w
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Thu May 30 09:57:50 2024
+Tags: learn10tac:OnlineModeHabitTrap, ontology
+> the learner’s experience that inmany learning activities, the online mode and the use of digitaldevices are absolutely helpful and expand learning
+This inferred assumption seems the most accurate framing of the concept, lacking an explicit definition.
+### QIAPOBs8Ee-IMos9UnUpVw
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Sun May 26 08:45:06 2024
+Tags: learn10tac:PreLearned, learn10tac:Matter, ontology
+> In Holzkamp’s learning theory, the learning matter on the worldside is contrasted with the pre-learned on the subject side
+the pre-learned is viewed as dialectically in opposition to learning matter
+### TuVMTB5qEe-Q719hjoGupw
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Thu May 30 09:52:21 2024
+Tags: learn10tac:ReasoningTrap, ontology
+> Reasoning traps aretypical pitfalls in the construction of subjective reasons for action
+Definition of the whole group of reasoning traps.
+### do07ch5xEe-V6dvlcKHk2A
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Thu May 30 10:43:34 2024
+Tags: learn10tac:UncertainnessAndEffortlessnessTrap, ontology
+> many activities on the web are characterized byeffortlessness. In no time at all, what you are looking for is foundand what is unclear is explained, and without much effort youhave taken a step forward in the learning process
+### FKOoIgbREe-Fla8w3nBvgQ
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Tue Apr 30 09:07:33 2024
+Tags: ontology, learn10tac:DefensiveReason, learn10tac:ExpansiveReason
+> it is possible to distinguish between two typical patterns ofreasoning involved in identifying learning problems and pursuingthe detour of learning—defensive and expansive reasons for learning
+Defensive and expansive reasons for learning, as defined by Holzkamp
+## reflection
+### XtArWunBEe60tDOMUQ7jDA
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Sun Mar 24 09:32:02 2024
+Tags: editorial, labeling, reflection
+> Promethean devide
+seemingly more often labelled as [Promethean gap](
+### WyetEOnMEe6oc4-8oALwlQ
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Sun Mar 24 10:50:40 2024
+Tags: etymology, reflection
+> worlding practice
+Constructivist thinking, introduced by Heidegger, according to [UBC blog post](, but by some scolars attributed to the book [When Species Meet]( by Donna Haraway.
+### jbJ4NPM0Ee6RESfQsueKQw
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Fri Apr 5 10:09:13 2024
+Tags: reflection, TODO
+> Based on the analysis of digital technology inthe last chapter, the potential of digital technology lies mainly inthe operative dimension of the learning action.
+Wait, what?
+Where in previous chapter was that concluded, rather than than just superficially mentioned?
+### 9cCdJvNWEe6Roucn4F2V8g
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Fri Apr 5 14:15:31 2024
+Tags: reflection, definition
+> To give this process a name, I build onthe multiple world-exploring movements of the octopus with itstentacles, as well as on Donna Haraway’s concept of tentacularthinking (2016, pp. 30–57) and call it the tentacular learningmovement of learners
+Ok, so this theory explicitly, as here baptized, belongs to Ernst Schraube.
+### Ic6rQvMqEe65zssHsoDZuA
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Fri Apr 5 08:54:37 2024
+Tags: reflection, digitalization opportunity
+> Learning content requires active engagement,and as it becomes more complex, it requires collaboration anddialogue with others
+Tools supportive of this stimulate social interaction rather than isolation.
+### Xrs8HOrGEe6MOHfPlw9MZA
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Mon Mar 25 16:40:20 2024
+Tags: reflection, digitalization reservation
+> that digital technologies, ofall things, would represent such an Elysian province
+[FastGPT]( was asked the following:
+> which poetic significance might be hinted at in the phrase "provinces that are free of 48 The Politics of Digitalization self-contradiction and dialectics, and that digital technologies, of all things, would represent such an Elysian province"?
+The response was this:
+> The phrase "provinces that are free of self-contradiction and dialectics" suggests territories or domains that are not subject to internal conflicts or opposing forces. The reference to such provinces as "Elysian" evokes the Greek mythological conception of Elysium as a paradise or ideal place of contentment. Seen in this light, describing digital technologies as representing "such an Elysian province" portrays them as seemingly offering a harmonious, contradiction-free realm. However, the passage may also hint that this portrayal is overly simplistic or even illusory, since all human creations and systems are subject to tensions between opposing elements or the potential for unintended consequences over time.¹
+¹ [[PDF] Reading Contemporary Performance | TDM CoLLab 2020](
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Fri Apr 5 08:25:03 2024
+Tags: reflection, digitalization reservation
+> the term informationwould also be misleading
+Probably¹ the argument here is that words placed into sentences are merely building blocks for information - i.e. they *can* contain information but can also lack information, and ChatGPT by design lumps together pieces of information through non-rational means:
+It [hallucinates](
+¹ The source [Bender, 2023]( is behind a paywall, so only guessing here.
+### 62ZZGPMmEe6qz6epD-cf-w
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Fri Apr 5 08:31:37 2024
+Tags: reflection, digitalization reservation
+> a special doing of ChatGPT
+Right: This is something *specific* to ChatGPT - not general for digitalization.
+### NfHyhvM_Ee66M-dCQ_GeMg
+Group: __world__ (Public)
+Created: Fri Apr 5 11:25:30 2024
+Tags: reflection, digitalization reservation
+> Collaborative online learning is more aboutcooperation than collaboration.
+Interesting distinction!
+and the more specific
+[collaborative learning](
+[cooperative learning](
diff --git a/worlding/index.qmd b/worlding/index.qmd
index f311dda..5b0c934 100644
--- a/worlding/index.qmd
+++ b/worlding/index.qmd
@@ -58,3 +58,7 @@ breaks: false
# Bilag A {.appendix}
{{< include _outline.qmd >}}
+# Bilag B {.appendix}
+{{< include >}}