diff options
authorJonas Smedegaard <>2024-02-07 09:45:26 +0100
committerJonas Smedegaard <>2024-02-07 09:45:26 +0100
commit00b59b4023b3847aa4959c6120b0fa2929fe328c (patch)
initial draft
8 files changed, 360 insertions, 0 deletions
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+- name: Jonas Smedegaard
+ orcid: 0009-0009-1037-0180
+ url:
+ email:
+ affiliation:
+ - ref: imt
+ roles: writing
+ equal-contributor: true
+# corresponding: true
+#- name: Nete Schwennesen
+# orcid: 0000-0002-2080-0377
+# url:
+# email:
+# affiliation:
+# - ref: imt
+# roles: supervision
+- id: imt
+ name: Roskilde Universitet
+ department: Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi
+ city: Roskilde
+ postal-code: 4000
+ country: Denmark
+ url:
+ isni: 0000 0001 0672 1325
+ ror: 014axpa37
+# holder: Anna Sofie Falk Bech, Frederik Fogh Hasselstrøm, Jonas Smedegaard and Laura Linnea Holme Schmidt
+ year: 2024
+license: "CC BY-SA"
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+# HumTek-B-23, Basisprojekt 2 \
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+ - text: Sproget
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+ - text: Redskaber
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+ - text: Anvendelser
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+ - text: Tid
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+ - text: Redskaber
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+# Kommende leverancer
+Organisering af samarbejde i supergruppe.
+Valg af redskaber.
+Personlige rapporter.
+Første vejledermøder.
+# Eksterne projektnoter
+# Generelle projektvejledninger
+Noter fra holdleder:
+[Basisprojekt 2, formelt oplæg](
+[Adgang til "Den lille Røde..." som ebog](
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+ booktitle = {Værktøjskassen til innovation og entreprenørskab i undervisningen},
+ language = {da-DK},
+ address = {København},
+ publisher = {Københavns Universitet},
+ crossref = {KU_værktøj},
+ title = {Idéudvælgelse baseret på vægtede kriterier},
+ url = {},
+ urldate = {2023-12-18}
+ author = {Sheila Pontis},
+ title = {Design thinking revised},
+ year = 2015,
+ month = 06,
+ language = {en-US},
+ url = {},
+ urldate = {2023-09-20}
+ doi = {10.4324/9781315561936},
+ url = {},
+ year = 2018,
+ month = Oct,
+ publisher = {Routledge},
+ author = {Andrew Pressman},
+ IGNOREtitle = {Design Thinking},
+ booktitle = {Design Thinking},
+ edition = 1,
+ isbn = {978-13-1556-193-6},
+ language = {eng},
+ crossref = {Pressman_2018_book},
+ doi = {10.4324/9781315561936-2},
+ url = {},
+ pages = {3--12},
+ author = {Andrew Pressman},
+ title = {Design Thinking Overview},
+ doi = {10.1080/15710882.2014.888183},
+ url = {},
+ year = 2014,
+ month = Jan,
+ publisher = {Informa {UK} Limited},
+ volume = 10,
+ number = 1,
+ pages = {5-14},
+ author = {Elizabeth B.-N. Sanders and Pieter Jan Stappers},
+ title = {Probes, toolkits and prototypes: three approaches to making in codesigning},
+ journal = {{CoDesign}}
+ doi = {10.4324/9780203855836},
+ url = {},
+ year = 2010,
+ month = {sep},
+ publisher = {Routledge},
+ editor = {Jesper Simonsen and J{\o}rgen Ole B{\ae}renholdt and Monika Büscher and John Damm Scheuer},
+ booktitle = {Design research: synergies from interdisciplinary perspectives},
+ language = {en},
+ crossref = {Simonsen_2010_book},
+ author = {Jesper Simonsen and Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt and John Damm Scheuer and Monika Büscher},
+ title = {Synergies},
+ pages = {201-212},
+ doi = {10.7551/mitpress/9936.001.0001},
+ url = {},
+ year = 2014,
+ publisher = {The {MIT} Press},
+ editor = {Jesper Simonsen and Connie Svabo and Sara Malou Strandvad and Kristine Samson and Morten Hertzum and Ole Erik Hansen},
+ booktitle = {Situated Design Methods}
+ crossref = {Simonsen_2014_book},
+ doi = {10.7551/mitpress/9936.003.0005},
+ year = 2014,
+ publisher = {The {MIT} Press},
+ title = {Project Designs for Student Design Projects},
+ author = {Morten Hertzum},
+ pages = {25-41},
+ language = {en},
+ address = {Cambridge, MA},
+ url = {},
+ urldate = {2023-09-20},
+ author = {Thomas Both and Dave Baggereor},
+ title = {Design Thinking Bootcamp Bootleg},
+ year = 2013,
+ month = Jul,
+ address = {Stanford},
+ publisher = {Institute of Design at Stanford University},
+ language = {en-US},
+ url = {},
+ urldate = {2023-10-26}
+ author = {Tania Anaissie and Victor Cary and David Clifford and Tom Malarkey and Susie Wise},
+ title = {Liberatory Design},
+ subtitle = {mindsets and modes to design for equity},
+ year = 2021,
+ month = Apr,
+ address = {Stanford},
+ publisher = {Institute of Design at Stanford University},
+ language = {en-US},
+ url = {},
+ urldate = {2023-09-20}
+ doi = {10.1057/ejis.2014.36},
+ url = {},
+ year = 2016,
+ month = Jan,
+ publisher = {Informa {UK} Limited},
+ volume = 25,
+ number = 1,
+ pages = {77-89},
+ author = {John Venable and Jan Pries-Heje and Richard Baskerville},
+title = {{FEDS}},
+subtitle = {a Framework for Evaluation in Design Science Research},
+ journal = {European Journal of Information Systems},
+ issn = {0960-085X},
+ language = {eng},
+ title = {The Whale and the Reactor: A Search for Limits in an Age of High Technology},
+ ISBN = {9780226692685},
+ url = {},
+ DOI = {10.7208/chicago/9780226692685.001.0001},
+ publisher = {University of Chicago Press},
+ author = {Winner, Langdon},
+ year = {2020},
+ edition = 2,
+ address = {Chicago},
+ language = {eng},
+author = {Shoshana Zuboff},
+address = {New York},
+booktitle = {The age of surveillance capitalism},
+booksubtitle = {the fight for a human future at the new frontier of power},
+edition = 1,
+isbn = {9781781256848},
+language = {eng},
+lccn = {2018003901},
+publisher = {PublicAffairs},
+title = {The age of surveillance capitalism},
+subtitle = {the fight for a human future at the new frontier of power},
+ year = {2019},
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