# Setting up environment for building assets These notes assume as baseline a Debian system. It is tested on Debian unstable and Debian testing, and should work also with Debian stable. ## Core setup required for core project synchronization. ### Debian Install these official Debian packages: ``` sudo apt install git ``` ### Radicle Download and install Radicle. One alternative is to get the custom distributed draft deb-file and install it with `sudo dpkg -i radicle_*.deb`. Alternatively manually install the contents of the tarball from [their website](https://radicle.xyz/download). ### hedgedoc-cli Clone the code project hedgedoc-cli: ``` mkdir --parents ~/Projects cd ~/Projects git clone https://github.com/hedgedoc/cli hedgedoc-cli ``` Add link in personal bin folder to cloned CLI script: ``` mkdir --parents ~/bin cd ~/bin ln --symbolic --target-directory=. ../Projects/hedgedoc-cli/bin/hedgedoc ``` ## Manuscript Setup required for building the default make target. Setup kravene for at bygge standard make mål. ### Debian Install these official Debian packages: ``` sudo apt install make texlive-luatex texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-extra sudo apt install texlive-lang-european sudo apt install citation-style-language-styles ``` ### Quarto Download and install newest stable version of Quarto from [their website](https://quarto.org/docs/get-started/). ## Miscellaneous Setup not strictly required - e.g. needed for secondary make targets. ### Debian Install these official Debian packages: ``` sudo apt install texlive-binaries-sse2 sudo apt install bat ```